- Adaptation-Knowledge-Based.pdf (content reading 1-2)
Adaptation of a Knowledge-Based Instructional Intervention to Accelerate Student Learning in Science and Early Literacy in Grades 1-2 Michael R. Vitale, East Carolina University Nancy R. Romance, Florida Atlantic University
in Literacy > EMERGENT LITERACY with emergent literacy reading romance science vitale
- Science IDEAS Articles, Science Learning & Literacy
These research articles support teaching reading through comprehensive science instruction that combines hands-on activities with related readings and writing. Students outperform those who are learning to read primarily through language arts.
in Literacy > Research with ideas reading research romance science vips vitale
- Concept-mapping-Article
Concept Mapping qs A Means for Binding Knowledge to Effective Content-area Instruction: An Interdisciplinary Perspective1,2 Michael R. Vitale, East Carolina University Nancy R. Romance, Florida Atlantic University 1 Paper Presented at the Second International Conference on Concept Mapping, San Jose, Costa Rica, September 5-8, 2006. 2 This research was supported by the National Science Foundation,Project Number 0228353
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- Improving-School-Reform.pdf
Improving School Reform by Changing Curriculum Policy Toward Content-Area Instruction in Elementary Schools: A Research-Based Model1 This paper provides support for enhancing reading comprehension through in-depth science with related reading and writing compared to the more common language arts focus. Michael R. Vitale, East Carolina University Nancy R. Romance, Florida Atlantic University Michael Klentschy, El Centro (CA) Elementary School District
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