- Have You Given Enough to the Financial Services Industry?
For too long and for too many consumers there has been a presumption that personal finance is too complex. Instead of relying on self-education and skepticism, many just trust industry representatives to do the right thing for them.
in Public bookmarks with consumers costs credit crisis crunch derivatives excessive finance financial industry money personal products scandals services smart
- Excessive investment costs are a huge problem for individual investors - Personal Investment Management > Cost Control and I...
Excessive investment costs are a huge problem for individual investors - Personal Investment Management > Cost Control and Investment Performance Improvement Articles - Financial Articles, Concerning asset management fees charged by investment funds, the average investor pays about .3% more than necessary on money market funds, about .75% more than necessary on bond funds, and about 1% more than necessary on stock funds. Additionally, they pay sales charges, hidden transaction costs, marketing fees, and account holding fees that siphon away more of their assets and returns. The amount wasted is very substantial, because these seemingly small percentages are charged against trillions of dollars in assets. Paid year after year, excess management fees reduc...
in Public bookmarks with costs excessive huge individual investment investors personal problem
- Excessive Investment Expenses Take 2% of Individual Investor Assets Every Year
Excessive investment expenses take 2% of individual investor's assets every year Year after year, millions of people lose large amounts of money on
in Public bookmarks with assets excessive expenses individual investment investors millions year
- Pay Lower Investment Expenses To Get Higher Investment Returns
Pay Lower Investment Expenses To Get Higher Investment Returns - Part 1 Excessive investment costs are a plague on your personal financial
in Public bookmarks with excessive expenses higher investment lower part pay returns
- The Quality and Cost of Advice Paid by Investment Sales Loads
Can you really get free and objective investment advice, when you pay investment sales loads? Excessive investment expenses are one of the most significant
in Public bookmarks with advice excessive free investment loads objective pay sales
excessive from all users