- CleanTechnica
Cleantech innovation news and views.
in Public bookmarks with cleantech energy environment green innovation news science sustainability technology weblogs by 2 users
- Co.Create
Creativity in the converging worlds of advertising, entertainment, and technology.
in Public bookmarks with creativity fast_company innovation media technology
- Co.Design
Inspiring stories about innovation and business, seen through the lens of design.
in Public bookmarks with business creativity design fast_company innovation inspiration web_design
- Co.Exist
News, infographics, and videos about the future of energy, electric cars, the environment, and food.
in Public bookmarks with creativity design environment fast_company food future innovation technology
Vereniging van circa 200 gedreven leden die zich privé of professioneel bezig houden met diverse disciplines op het gebied van toegepaste creativiteit.
in Public bookmarks with brainstorming creativity innovation organizations personal_development
- CoolTown Studios
Blog on crowdsourcing places for creatives.
in Public bookmarks with architecture creativity crowdsourcing cultural_creatives design innovation urban_planning urbanism weblogs by 3 users
Community Research & Development Information Service.
in Public bookmarks with european_union innovation organizations projects research science
- Coworking Community Blog
Coworking is a movement to create cafe-like community/collaboration spaces for developers, writers and independents.
in Public bookmarks with business communities coworking creativity entrepreneurship innovation weblogs by 2 users
- Creativity Pool
Database full of creative and original ideas.
A free database with new ideas and possible inventions. Add your own, or bring an existing idea to life.
brilliant business creative creativity famous for free ideas innovation inspiration invention inventions new
in Public bookmarks with creativity databases ideas innovation reference search by 6 users
- De Nationale DenkTank
Het doel van de stichting is het opbouwen, onderhouden en faciliteren van een multidisciplinair netwerk van mensen met een brede blik en maatschappelijke interesse. Dit netwerk moet een brug vormen tussen overheid, wetenschap en bedrijfsleven, en kruisbestuiving tussen verschillende disciplines bevorderen. Het fungeert als broedplaats en broeinest voor vernieuwende ideeën, maatschappelijke initiatieven en ondernemingen.
in Public bookmarks with creativity innovation netherlands organizations participation research science
- De Publieke Zaak
Platform gericht op maatschappelijke vernieuwing.
in Public bookmarks with citizens government innovation issues netherlands organizations society
- De Slimme Overheid
Platform voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in slimmer werken binnen de overheid.
in Public bookmarks with creativity government innovation management netherlands organization
- Digitale Pioniers
De Stimuleringsregeling Digitale Pioniers is een regeling voor innovatieve maatschappelijke internetinitiatieven.
in Public bookmarks with innovation internet projects society
- Digitalezorg.nl
Kennisplatform voor Zorg, ICT en Innovatie.
in Public bookmarks with e-health health healthcare ict innovation portals vws
- Don Tapscott
Don Tapscott is a Canadian business executive, author, consultant and speaker based in Toronto, Ontario, specializing in business strategy, organizational transformation and the role of technology in business and society. He is co-author of the book 'Wikinomics' (2006) that explores how some companies in the early 21st century used mass collaboration (also called peer production) and open-source technology such as wikis to be successful.
in Public bookmarks with business collaboration crowdsourcing economics innovation internet persons social_networking technology web2.0 wikinomics
- Doors of Perception
in Public bookmarks with creativity design future innovation by 3 users
- eHuisartsenKompas
eHealth-platform voor de huisartsenzorg.
in Public bookmarks with e-health health healthcare innovation portals vws
- Energieneutraal Bouwen
Energieneutraal Bouwen ondersteunt de uitvoering van de Innovatieagenda Energie in opdracht van de ministeries VROM-WWI en EZ.
in Public bookmarks with building built_environment energy environment government innovation netherlands projects sustainability
- Enterprise Web 2.0
Enterprise Web 2.0 -
in Public bookmarks with business innovation technology tools web2.0 weblogs by 4 users
The European Patent Office.
The official website of the European Patent Office (EPO). Find information on applying and searching for patents, legal issues on patents, patent grants, rules and regulations about European and international patent applications.
application applications convention epc european grant intellectual inventions office official online patent patents property
in Public bookmarks with european_union government innovation organizations patents
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