- Alexa
Website that provides information on the web traffic to other websites.
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- Internet Library For Librarians
An information portal specifically designed for librarians to locate Internet resources related to their profession.
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- Journalismlab
Het lectoraat Kwaliteitsjournalistiek in Digitale Transitie (JournalismLab) onderzoekt kwaliteitsjournalistiek in de context van de digitale wereld.
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- Journalist Express
News and research portal for reporters.
Organized, customizable portal for journalists including research, news, education, statistics, jobs, writing resources business and travel sites
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- Nieman Journalism Lab
The Nieman Journalism Lab is an attempt to help journalism figure out its future in an Internet age.
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- Technology Review
MIT's Technology Review magazine.
From MIT. Information on Emerging Technologies & impact on business & society
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PC Magazine.
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- AboutUrl.com
Portal for web checking programs. Check structure and function of web sites.
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- ACM Queue
Developer Tools, Hardware, Security, Open Source, Enterprise Search, Data Management, Virtual Machines, Wireless.
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- AddictiveTips
Tech tips to make you smarter.
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- Aleks Krotoski
Aleks Krotoski is an academic and journalist who writes about and studies technology and interactivity.
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