- Creating Fast Buttons for Mobile Web Applications - Google Mobile Developer Products - Google Code
Here at Google, we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in a mobile web application. Technologies like HTML5 allow us to blur the distinction between web apps and native apps on mobile devices. As part of that effort we’ve developed a technique for creating buttons that are far more responsive than plain HTML buttons.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps with fastbuttons html5 mobile web
- Creating mobile Web applications with HTML 5, Part 2: Unlock local storage for mobile Web applications with HTML 5
One of the most useful new features in HTML 5 is the standardization of local storage. Finally, Web developers can stop trying to fit all client-side data into 4 KB Cookies. Now you can store large amounts of data on the client with a simple API. This is a perfect mechanism for caching, so you can dramatically improve the speed of your application—a critical factor for mobile Web applications that rely on much slower connections than their desktop brothers. In this second article in this series on HTML 5, you will see how to use local storage, how to debug it, and you will see a variety of ways to use it to improve mobile Web applications.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps with apps article cache development html5 local mobile storage web
- CSS - In search of the One True Layout
Want to be able to display your columns in any order? Want to be able to have equal height columns without having to use faux columns? Want to be able to align elements vertically across columns? So does Alex Robinson. Settle back as Alex reports on a group of techniques that will let you do all that, for any number of columns you desire.
in Development > Web development with column css layout layouts tricks web by 7 users
- CSS Design
Taming Lists: A List Apart
CSS Design: taming (X)HTML lists, creating great-looking navigational menus and other visual effects.
css lists navigation presentation structure style
in Development > Web development with css development html lists taming web by 11 users
- CSS layouts | Max Design
Here are a range of free CSS page layouts, including 1, 2 and 3 column layouts – free to use and abuse as needed.
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- CSS Properties
Keywords allowed in Cascading Style Sheets
A description of all the properties of Cascading Style Sheets, level 1.
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in Development > Web development with cascading css development html keywords sheets style web by 11 users
- CSS Rounded Box Generator
A utility to create rounded corners using CSS
in Development > Web development with corners css rounded utility web by 2 users
Examples of HTML StyleSheets
in Development > Web development with css development examples html stylesheets web
- CSS-Only Forms That Don't Suck
Most of the CSS-only forms available suck. So, not wanting to stoop to mediocrity, I decided to take on the task of coming up with something better. This is the result of my efforts. It works in Win/IE6, Firefox v1.0+, Win/Opera v8.0, has minor layout differences in Mac/Safari v1.0.3 and Mac/Safari v1.2, and is usable but fairly buggered in Mac/IE5.2.
in Development > Web development with css layout web by 5 users
- css/edge
Examples and CSS tips & tricks
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- CSS2
Introduction to CSS2 and a comparison with CSS1
Learn CSS2 - cascading style sheets level 2 - a css tutorial for css2
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- CSS2 positioning tutorial
Learn the basics of how to use CSS2 positioning features
Westciv CSS and web standards learning resources - page layout with css positioning
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in Development > Web development with basics css css2 development html positioning web by 3 users
- Designing attractive web pages
A discussion on how to design an appealing web page
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- Do You Want To Do That With CSS? — Align Elements Left and Right
This series will deal with various CSS "tasks," those things designers wish to have happen in the display of their pages, using CSS, which seem like they ought to be simple to do. Sometimes the design will require items to occupy certain positions, or text might need to wrap around images in a certain way.
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- Dynamic Drive
Dynamic HTML (DHTML) code
Click here for Dynamicdrive.com, a comprehensive DHTML site featuring DHTML scripts, tutorials, and more.
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in Development > Web development with code css development dhtml dynamic html web by 2 users
- Dynamic Drive
DHTML(dynamic html) & JavaScript code library
Click here for Dynamicdrive.com, a comprehensive DHTML site featuring DHTML scripts, tutorials, and more.
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in Development > Web development with css dhtml html javascript web by 107 users
- E2 Source Code Formatter
Formats source code so it is printable on web pages (converts special characters to valid HTML tokens)
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- Enable HTML5 Offline Web Application with Dojo 1.7 (Web 2.0 and Mobile Development Community)
HTML5 offline web application is a wonderful technology that let web applications work without network connection, which is especially useful for mobile web applications since wireless network is not as stable as wire network is. According to W3C specification of offline web application, developers needs to provide a manifest file if they want to enable the offline cache capability. The manifest file lists all the resources that will be offline cached and needs to be referenced in HTML page like this. <html manifest=”cache.appcache”> The cache.appcache needs to be served as “text/cache-manifest” content-type and the browser will fetch all of the resource files in the manifest during the first load or whenever the content of manifest is updated.
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- Enterprise Web vs Consumer Web [2.0]
Top Six Differences | Bits And Buzz, by Jeremy Chone
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- Eric Meyer on CSS
Eric Meyers home page, lots of CSS tips & tricks
in Development > Web development with css development eric home html meyers page tips web by 4 users
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