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  • Enable HTML5 Offline Web Application with Dojo 1.7 (Web 2.0 and Mobile Development Community)
    HTML5 offline web application is a wonderful technology that let web applications work without network connection, which is especially useful for mobile web applications since wireless network is not as stable as wire network is. According to W3C specification of offline web application, developers needs to provide a manifest file if they want to enable the offline cache capability. The manifest file lists all the resources that will be offline cached and needs to be referenced in HTML page like this. <html manifest=”cache.appcache”> The cache.appcache needs to be served as “text/cache-manifest” content-type and the browser will fetch all of the resource files in the manifest during the first load or whenever the content of manifest is updated.
    in Development > Mobile Web Apps with apps cache html5 ibm mobile offline storage web

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