- Maqetta
Visual authoring of HTML5 user interfaces - in the browser! Maqetta is an open source project that provides WYSIWYG visual authoring of HTML5 user interfaces. The Maqetta application itself is authored in HTML, and therefore runs in the browser without requiring additional plugins or downloads.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with authoring dojo editor modeling visual wysiwyg by 4 users
- Massflytt från Visual Basic - IDG.se
Fler och fler företag tvingas migrera från utvecklingsplattformen Visual Basic efter att Microsoft lagt ner supporten. "Det är ett klart problem", säger Lars Lindahl på Rikspolisstyrelsens verksamhetsstöd. För snart 1,5 år sedan lade Microsoft ner supporten för utvecklingsmiljön Visual Basic 6, VB6. Microsoft erbjuder fortfarande utökad support – men det kan bli en dyr historia för företagen. Ett problem är också att det numera är svårt att hitta VB6-utvecklare.
in Development > WebSphere sMash with basic smash visual
- Sen.se
We rather believe in an Internet of Everything where Humans, Nature, Machines, Objects, Environments, Information, Physical and Virtual spaces all mix up, talk, intertwine, interact, enrich and empower each other in all sorts of ways. This is what we are building and we think that we are not alone.
in Hus & Hem > Home Automation > OpenHAB with automation home openhab sen.se visual visualization
- Stanford University CS231n
Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
in Artificial Intelligence AI > Training and courses with convolutional networks neural recognition training visual
- The Opte Project
A visual map of the Internet!
in Internet with internet map visual by 2 users
- Using VMware Fusion to install Windows and the dev tools on your Mac (Windows)
How to set up Windows Phone 8 development environment on your Mac, including downloading of Windows 8 from MSDN.
in Development > iOS iPhone iPad with 8 development mobile phone studio visual windows
- Windows Phone 8 SDK on a Virtual Machine with Working Emulator
Setting up Windows 8 in a VMWare virtual machine to develop Windows Phone 8 apps using Visual Studio
in Development with 8 phone setup studio visual vmware windows
visual from all users