- Debian Wheezy Local Git Server With Git Lite Workflow
This howto describes a shared local git server setup for a small team. This is a repository layout that is familiar to anyone used to working with a traditional version control system. One of the tutorial objectives is to show detailed steps to prepare the server and publish the code on a public service like Github, Gitorius et. al. A second objective is to introduce the Git Lite Workflow in team development. This serves as an introduction to gits powerful branch and merge features. Your personal favorite workflow may be different compared to this model.
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- Managing OpenVZ With HyperVM On CentOS 5.2
HyperVM is a multi-platform, multi-tiered, multi-server, multi-virtualization web based application that will allow you to create and manage different virtual machines each based on different technologies across machines and platforms. Currently it supports OpenVZ and Xen virtualization and is available for RHEL 4/5 as well as CentOS 4 and CentOS 5. This tutorial shows how to install it on a CentOS 5.2 server to control OpenVZ containers. I will also explain how to manage OpenVZ containers with HyperVM on a remote CentOS 5.2 server ("slave").
in Public bookmarks with centos control hypervm machine openvz panel virtual virtualization
- Managing OpenVZ With The Vtonf Control Panel On CentOS 5.2
Vtonf is a free web-based control panel (released under the GPL license) for managing virtual private servers (VPS) based on OpenVZ. It makes it very easy to create and manage OpenVZ VMs even for people with little technical knowledge. Right now, Vtonf is available only for RedHat, Fedora, and CentOS (support for Debian is planned), therefore I describe its installation and usage on a CentOS 5.2 server.
in Public bookmarks with centos control machine openvz panel virtual virtualization vm vps vtonf
- Setting Up A Subversion Repository Using Apache, With Auto Updatable Working Copy
Subversion is a free/open-source version control system. That is, Subversion manages files and directories over time. A tree of files is placed into a central repository. The repository is much like an ordinary file server, except that it remembers every change ever made to your files and directories. This allows you to recover older versions of your data, or examine the history of how your data changed. In this regard, many people think of a version control system as a sort of time machine.
in Public bookmarks with apache control cvs linux subversion svn version by 2 users
- The Perfect Server - CentOS 6.0 x86_64 [ISPConfig 2]
This tutorial shows how to set up a CentOS 6.0 server (x86_64) that offers all services needed by ISPs and web hosters: Apache web server (SSL-capable), Postfix mail server with SMTP-AUTH and TLS, BIND DNS server, Proftpd FTP server, MySQL server, Dovecot POP3/IMAP, Quota, Firewall, etc. In the end you should have a system that works reliably and where ISPConfig runs out of the box.
in Public bookmarks with apache bind centos control dovecot hosting ispconfig lamp mysql panel php postfix proftpd server webalizer
- The Perfect Server - OpenSUSE 12.1 x86_64 With Nginx [ISPConfig 3]
This tutorial shows how to prepare an OpenSUSE 12.1 64bit (x86_64) server with nginx for the installation of ISPConfig 3, and how to install ISPConfig 3. Since version 3.0.4, ISPConfig comes with full support for the nginx web server in addition to Apache, and this tutorial covers the setup of a server that uses nginx instead of Apache. ISPConfig 3 is a webhosting control panel that allows you to configure the following services through a web browser: nginx and Apache web server, Postfix mail server, MySQL, Dovecot POP3/IMAP, BIND or MyDNS nameserver, PureFTPd, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, and many more.
in Public bookmarks with bind clamav control dovecot hosting ispconfig lemp mysql nginx opensuse panel php postfix pureftpd spamassassin suse
- The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 10.04 [ISPConfig 3]
This tutorial shows how to prepare an Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) server for the installation of ISPConfig 3, and how to install ISPConfig 3. ISPConfig 3 is a webhosting control panel that allows you to configure the following services through a web browser: Apache web server, Postfix mail server, MySQL, BIND or MyDNS nameserver, PureFTPd, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, and many more.
in Public bookmarks with apache bind clamav control ispconfig lamp mydns mysql panel php postfix pureftpd server spamassassin ubuntu
- The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 11.10 With Nginx [ISPConfig 3]
This tutorial shows how to prepare an Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) server with nginx for the installation of ISPConfig 3, and how to install ISPConfig 3. Since version 3.0.4, ISPConfig comes with full support for the nginx web server in addition to Apache, and this tutorial covers the setup of a server that uses nginx instead of Apache. ISPConfig 3 is a webhosting control panel that allows you to configure the following services through a web browser: nginx and Apache web server, Postfix mail server, MySQL, BIND or MyDNS nameserver, PureFTPd, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, and many more.
in Public bookmarks with bind clamav control ispconfig lemp mailman mysql nginx oneiric panel php postfix pureftpd spamassassin ubuntu
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