Debian Wheezy Local Git Server With Git Lite Workflow This howto describes a shared local git server setup for a small team. This is a repository layout that is familiar to anyone used to working with a traditional version control system. One of the tutorial objectives is to show detailed steps to prepare the server and publish the code on a public service like Github, Gitorius et. al. A second objective is to introduce the Git Lite Workflow in team development. This serves as an introduction to gits powerful branch and merge features. Your personal favorite workflow may be different compared to this model. in Public bookmarkswith controldebiangitgithubgitoriousversionwheezy
Setting Up A Subversion Repository Using Apache, With Auto Updatable Working Copy Subversion is a free/open-source version control system. That is, Subversion manages files and directories over time. A tree of files is placed into a central repository. The repository is much like an ordinary file server, except that it remembers every change ever made to your files and directories. This allows you to recover older versions of your data, or examine the history of how your data changed. In this regard, many people think of a version control system as a sort of time machine. in Public bookmarkswith apachecontrolcvslinuxsubversionsvnversionby 2 users