- IntelliJ IDEA: The Basics of Plugin Development for IntelliJ IDEA
This article helps you to quickly understand the basics of plugin development for IntelliJ IDEA in order to start writing your own plugins. It describes general plugin design principles, descriptor syntax, and publishing. It also contains a plugin example with step-by-step instructions on how to create it. After reading the aricle, you can try a sample project with the plugin being developed in it: zip SampleProject.zip (242 Kb) You may need to set up the IntelliJ IDEA JDK as described in the first two steps of the section "Where to begin".
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- Introduction to Java: Table of Contents [+Java Resource Materials]
* Cover * Preface * Java Overview * Applets * The AWT Library o An Example Windowing Applet o The Hilo Game o Creating the Hilo GUI o Handling Events o Design of the Hilo Applet Program o Complete Hilo Applet Program o A Hilo Application (Not Applet) Program * Java Graphics o A Simple Java Graphics Example o Graphics for the Hilo Game * Java Threads o A Simple Java Threads Example * Creating an Html File To Use With Java Applets * Bibliography JAVA SOURCE CODE IN THIS TUTORIAL * hi.java * hilo_win.java * window_ex.java * hilo.java * hilo.java * circle.java * circle_right.java * hilo_graph.java
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- Jac Wright » An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (1 of 5)
This is the first of five articles on object oriented-programming. * An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming * Thinking Object-Oriented * Planning an Application * Creating Objects * Making Objects Reusable An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming will give a brief overview of why there is such a thing as object-oriented programming. Conceptualizing Systems will help us to better picture a system in terms of objects and how the relate to each other. Planning an Application will teach us the importance of planning and what we should do to plan. Creating Objects explains how the objects in our application are born, and how they should be structured. Making Objects Reusable covers some more advanced topics and allows us to reus
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- Java - a hotchpotch of resources
Some answers to common questions * Servlet Design - How can I do <xxx> in a servlet? * Compiling And Working With Packages - A set of rules to keep your compiler and interpreter happy. * The Extensions Mechanism - How to use it, and a couple of caveats. * Strings/StringBuffers - When String concatenation makes sense, and when it's plain evil. * String conversions - The Good, the Okay-I-Suppose, and the Utterly Horrible. * Classpath woes - Dr Classpath, or "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Defaults" * Newsgroup guidelines - How to get the most out of the comp.lang.java.* newsgroups. * Parameter passing in Java - an explanation of the pass-by-reference/pass-by-value confusion. * Converting a Java application into
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- Java 101: What if I Don't Know Java?
Today, more and more languages have the same concepts, control structures, and even syntax. If you're new to the world of object oriented programming, though, there are a few "gotchas" you should be aware of. For the most part, WebLogic Workshop hides most of these details from you - letting you focus on the procedural business logic that really matters - but its always good to be aware of some of the details. This section outlines the basic rules of Java syntax and gives a brief introduction to some of the Java concepts that will be important for you to be familiar with as a WebLogic Workshop developer. For a more detailed and thorough introduction to the language, we've recommended several books and introductory courses that will help you get started.
bea dev2dev weblogic
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- Java Glossary: Definitions for Common Terms and Acronyms Used in the Java Industry
Suggested Reading Java KeywordsJava Programming TutorialBeginning Java Programming Join the Discussion Focus on Java Forum Related Articles Computing Linux Unix GlossaryComputing Linux Unix Glossarygnome-pm - What is gnome-pmFocus on Java TechnologyJIT (Just-In-Time) Compiler - What is JIT (Just-In-Time...
An index of categories in the Java GuideSite
applications computer java learn programming start steps
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- Java Glossary: JPEG encoder
lots of resources uptree (http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html)
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- Java Links & Resources
# Java at Sun * http://www.javasoft.com * Java language specs * jGuru tutorial from Sun # Tutorial & educational web sites: * Public Static Void Main - online Java compiler and tutorials * ICT curriculum * Java resources for teachers and students * javaboutique.internet.com * Java: An Eventful Approach at Williams College * LearningLynx.com online Java courses * Glencoe Publishing textbook student data * applet tutorial * javaranch.com * apcomputerscience.com * Java error messages * The Analytical Engine - interactive overview of CS including computer hardware * dreamincode.net - resources for various languages including Java * KidBasic - not Java but easy to use & graphical language for yo
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- Java Programming Notes
Java Notes. These Java programming notes are written to fill in missing or weak topics in textbooks that I've taught from. Many pages are useful for reference, but not as an ordered tutorial. Some pages are still rough drafts, but I'm slowly working on fixing them. notes-java-2007-01-15.zip [2.0 MB]. Java Basics. I've started writing a more coherent tutorial called Java Basics. In addition to lessons, there is also commentary which explains why things are done the way they are. JavaBasics-2007-01-15.zip [0.3 MB].
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- Java Programming Notes: Table of Contents
Java Notes. These Java programming notes are written to fill in missing or weak topics in textbooks that I've taught from. Many pages are useful for reference, but not as an ordered tutorial. Some pages are still rough drafts, but I'm slowly working on fixing them. notes-java-2007-04-25.zip [2.4 MB]. Java Basics. I've started writing a more coherent tutorial called Java Basics. In addition to lessons, there is also commentary which explains why things are done the way they are. JavaBasics-2007-04-25.zip [0.4 MB].
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- Java Q&A - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the Java language
AWT / Graphics * How do I gray out components, and prevent users from using them? * How can I create my own GUI components? * How can I find out the current screen resolution? * How do I create a modal dialog box? * How do I create a scrollable container? * How can I change the cursor shape? * How do I make my frames close in response to user requests? * How do I minimize and restore frames and JFrames? * How do I playback multimedia files? I'd like to display .avi, .mpg, and other movie formats. * My application/applet loads images, but they aren't drawn to the screen. What's going on?
Learn the answers to all your Java questions! Clear explanations, and samplesource code
answers app applica class code faq inheritance inheritence polymorphism program programming questions sample source stand-alone
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- Java Tech (KTH)
Chapter 4 - Java
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- Java Tutorial 1 - Objects and Code Structure
* Tutorials - Table of Contents * Tutorial 1 - Objects, Applications & Applets * Tutorial 2 - Syntax and Grammar * Tutorial 3 - Control Flow * Tutorial 4 - Encapsulation * Tutorial 5 - Inheritance and Polymorphism * Tutorial 6 - Java Class Libraries * Tutorial 7 - String Manipulation * Tutorial 8 - File IO * Tutorial 9 - GUI Swing Widgets * Tutorial 10 - Intermediate Swing * Tutorial 11 - Advanced Swing * Tutorial 12 - Designing Swing GUIs * Tutorial 13 - Exceptions & Threads * Tutorial 14 - Collections & Serialization * Tutorial 15 - Graphics and Imaging * Tutorial 16 - Case Studies * Tutorial 17 - Debugging & Distributing * Appendices
The first Java tutorial covers thetopic of objects/classes as well as outlining the basic structure ofJava applications and applets. The life cycle of an applet is discussed
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- Java Tutorial 15 - Graphics and Imaging
Graphics brings life to applications. Java allows creation and modification of images using both awt and the newer JFC 2D architecture. Artists tend to think in terms of canvas as the foundation for their images and graphics. Swing JPanel and awt Canvas class objects can be used as the basic canvas. Java applets or applications tie these canvases to their window frames. All output to the canvas takes place through a graphics context encapsulated by the Graphics class. This tutorial introduces some fundamental concepts of graphics and imaging.
Covers multithreading, daemon threads,object stream serialization and transients. Topics: the Thread class,timeslicing, assigning priority, the event dispatch thread,synchronization, starvation and deadlock. Examples: digital clocks,splash screens, animation, piped streams and object stream serialization
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- Java Tutorial: Applets
In this section of the tutorial, we are going to create a basic applet for a web browser. First of all, a class must be defined that inherits from the class java.applet.Applet. The Applet class is the standard class inherited for writing applets. It contains the methods to paint to the screen and create the window. The inherited class must be declared public. In this example, we will create an applet that says "Hi, Mom!". Before you start, take a look at what you will be building by executing a finished applet. To return to this section after viewing the applet, use the Back option on your browser. You can see the "Hi Mom!" applet execute by clicking here on hi.applet. The Applet ProgramRAM To create the "Hi, Mom" applet, create (e.g., with a text editor) a
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- Java Tutorial: Don't Fear the Oop!
Meet Eunice. Eunice writes Westerns. Her books about life in the American Wild West have become so popular that everybody rushes to buy them. Her readers are never disappointed, because Eunice's books are very consistent. How does she manage this? Well, before Eunice writes anything, she sits down at her desk, sweeps aside the clutter, and places a single piece of paper down on her desk. It is on this one page that she writes her whole story. How can Eunice get the whole story onto one page? Simple. Everything she writes on the page is just a sequence of events, or plot. Setting, character development, and how her characters interact is all taken care of elsewhere. How does she do that? Let's find out. You see, Eunice, more than anything else, is orderly an
Don't fear Java! Check out thispainless (and even mildly entertaining) introduction.
java object oriented programming tutorial
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- jMusic Tutorial Index
These tutorials will guide you through some of the compositional possibilities of jMusic and, along the way, provide an insight into the Java language, computer music composition, and digital audio. There are individual tutorials and tours. The individual tutorials are generally arranged from simple to complex. If you are new to jMusic then we suggest you take a tour. Guided tours are pathways through the tutorials selected by experienced jMusic users.
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- jMusic Tutorial Index
Extended Drum Kit 16. Java Window Frames 31. Simple MIDI Analysis 2. Static Drum Kit 17. Simple GUI_1 32. Read and reuse MIDI files 3. Object Drum Kit 18. Simple GUI 2 33. Phrase Analysis App. 4. Build a Library of Methods 19. Simple GUI 3 34. Histograms 5. Jazz Combo 20. Simple GUI 4 35. Phrase Chord Analysis 6. Abstract Drums 21. Simple GUI 5 - Swing 36. 7. Trio 22. GUI with file dialog 37. 8. Working with jm files 23. GUI & ShowScore 38. 9. Pieces of Wood - Reich 24. jMusical Applets 39. 10. MIDI Remixer 25. jm-808 40. 11. 26. Menus and Key commands 41. 12. 27. jm-550 no GUI 42. 13. 28. jm-550 awt 43. 14. 29. jm-550 awt 2
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- KickJava.com - Java API By Example, From Geeks To Geeks.
A to Z: JavaDoc & Examples Daily Java News & Articles Open Source Projects Open Source Codes Free Java Books java.* applet (6) awt (94) beans (12) io (110) lang (275) math (15) net (44) nio (34) rmi (2) security (20) sql (81) text (37) util (292) javax.* accessibility (1) activation (2) activity ce crypto (10) ejb (13) enterprise imageio (7) jms (16) mail (26) management (1) microedition (16) naming (9) net (10) pim (2) power (1) print (15) resource (6) rmi (1) security (21) servlet (53) sound (2) sql (7) swing (165) telephony (7) transaction (3) tv xml (76) javacard.* framework (9) security (2) javacardx.* crypto org.* ietf (1) omg (11) w3c (92) xml (27)
Java API By Example, From Geeks To Geeks.
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- Larman's UML Process
Use Cases * Define user interaction with the system. * Underline nouns to identify concepts in the problem domain. Conceptual Model * Use the underlined nouns from the use cases to create the concepts in the conceptual model. * Some of the nouns, if they identify simple data types, are used to create attributes of these concepts. * Create associations between the concepts. System Sequence Diagram * Create system sequence diagrams for each use case scenario. * Each sequence event in the diagram corresponds to a user interaction with the system specified by the expanded use case. System Contracts * Specify post-conditions for each system event in the system sequence diagrams. * Use the conceptual model to identify objec
A summary of Craig Larman's UML process as described in Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
case craig design larman methodology modeling object ocl oriented process tools uml
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