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  • Cheat Sheet Roundup - Over 30 Cheatsheets for developers
    Lets face it, unless you have a photographic memory, no developer can remember all the different functions, options, tags, etc. that exist. Documentation can be cumbersome at times, thats why I like cheat sheets. They are quick references that feature the most commonly forgotten things on a specific topic. You can print them out and hang them on your wall, or just keep them handy in your bookmarks for quick reference. I have rounded up over 30 cheatsheets that developers might find useful. Web Development Cheat Sheets * JavaScript * CSS * CSS * Hex Codes * HTML * XHTML * HTML Entities Databases / SQL Cheat Sheets * MySQL * MySQL * Oracle * SQL * Sybase Language Cheat Sheets * ColdFusion - work in progress
    cheat cheatsheets coldfusion cvs google java jsp m mysql oracle php python regex roundup ruby sheet sql subversion unix windows
    in Public bookmarks with ajax css cvs google html java javascritpt jsp mysql oracle perl php python ruby tipsntricks uml unix xhtml by 19 users
  • Craig Larman’s Home Page: Applying UML and Patterns—An Intro to OOA/D and the Unified Process
    Contents at a Glance Foreword by Philippe Kruchten Preface Full Table of Contents Introduction 1 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 3 2 Iterative Development and the Unified Process 13 3 Case Study: The NextGen POS System 29 Inception 4 Inception 35 5 Understanding Requirements 41 6 Use-Case Model: Writing Requirements in Context 45 7 Identifying Other Requirements 83 8 From Inception to Elaboration 107 Elaboration Iteration 1 9 Use-Case Model: Drawing System Sequence Diagrams 117 10 Domain Model: Visualizing Concepts 127 11 Domain Model: Adding Associations 153 12 Domain Model: Adding Attributes 167 13
    in Public bookmarks with tutorial uml
  • Larman's UML Process
    Use Cases * Define user interaction with the system. * Underline nouns to identify concepts in the problem domain. Conceptual Model * Use the underlined nouns from the use cases to create the concepts in the conceptual model. * Some of the nouns, if they identify simple data types, are used to create attributes of these concepts. * Create associations between the concepts. System Sequence Diagram * Create system sequence diagrams for each use case scenario. * Each sequence event in the diagram corresponds to a user interaction with the system specified by the expanded use case. System Contracts * Specify post-conditions for each system event in the system sequence diagrams. * Use the conceptual model to identify objec
    A summary of Craig Larman's UML process as described in Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
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    in Public bookmarks with tutorial uml

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