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    DK/NF is best thought of as a straw man (sorry, straw person). It was introduced by Ron Fagin in his paper "A Normal Form for Relational Databases that Is Based on Domains and Keys," ACM TODS 6, No. 3 (September 1981). As Valdez says (more or less), Fagin defines a relvar R to be in DK/NF if and only if every constraint on R is a logical consequence of what he (Fagin) calls the domain constraints and key constraints on R. Here: A domain constraint--better called an attribute constraint--is simply a constraint to the effect a given attribute A of R takes its values from some given domain D. A key constraint is simply a constraint to the effect that a given set A, B, ..., C of R constitutes a key for R. Thus, if R is in DK/NF, then it is sufficient to
    The web site that sets matters straight by dispelling fallacies, misinformation and confusion about database management. The forum for concepts, principles and methods and their practical implications that receive little, incorrect, or no coverage from the trade media and no consideration from vendors and industry pundits.
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  • Proper DB Design
    A Well Designed Relational Database [ Anomalies | NF Overview | Functional Dependence | Multivalued Dependence | Keys ] [ Normal Forms | 1NF | 2NF | 3NF | BCNF | 4NF | 5NF | DKNF | Interrelation Constraints ]
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  • Relational databases - The untold story - Architect - Database - Builder AU
    Discover the origins of the modern relational data model, how rules were set for relational database theory, and how to put the theory into practice. Trying to use a relational database management system (RDBMS) without applying relational database theory to your design is like trying to drive a standard transmission without using the clutch: You're not going to get very far. In fact, your application may come to a grinding halt. If you're lucky, you'll end up with just an inefficient database. But it could be much worse. You could create a database that erroneously reports data or even destroys data. In this series of articles, you'll learn how to apply relational rules and, in the process, develop an efficient design that protects the validity of your dat
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  • SQLzoo
    SELECT exercises
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  • The Stanford NLP (Natural Language Processing) Group
    Getting started with IntelliJ
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  • This is a brief tutorial for using MySQL server
    To Run MySQL Server =================== 1- Go to /usr/bin/ 2- ./mysql_install_db 3- ./safe_mysqld --user=root & Testing that the Server is running ================================== 1- ./mysqladmin version 2- ./mysqladmin variables Shutting down the server ======================== 1- ./mysqladmin -u root shutdown Show DataBases =============== 1- ./mysqlshow 2- ./mysqlshow <database-name> Executing commands ================== 1- mysql -e "SELECT * FROM table" <database-name> Connect to MySQL ================ 1- mysql -h <host> -u <user> -p <Database-Name> Show DataBases ---------------- 1- mysql> SHOW DATABASES; Using Certian Database ---------------------- 1- my
    in Public bookmarks with mysql tipsntricks tutorial

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