- MAKE: Blog: Hacking in Iraq, Interview with Jake Appelbaum
with blogs computer travel utils w2
- MAKE: Blog: Hacking in Iraq, Interview with Jake Appelbaum
with computer travel utils
- McAffee SiteAdvisor Spyware Quiz - March 2006
McAffee SiteAdvisor offers quizzes to test users’ skills about sites that might lead to spam and spyware.
SiteAdvisor - Spyware quiz tests how well you can spot Web sites which distribute spyware.
adware quiz siteadvisor spyware test
with computer gaming net
- MeFi: Illustrations by Ben Tolman
Ink drawings by Ben Tolman: Huge, intricate, somewhat NSFW. There may be an issue with the side frame not scrolling in Firefox; if this is the case, click here, here, here, and here to see the galleries
with art
- MetaFilter: A pre-war blues blog
Honey, where you been so long? A music blog featuring almost daily links to mp3s of pre-war blues musicians. Previously mentioned in-thread here and here.
with audio
- MetaFilter: Pirates' Rule
The Golden Age of Piracy [video/audio] in the Atlantic peaked as the War of Spanish Succession ended. Piracy was a natural progression for the privateers [2] and buccaneers who had lost their sanctioned prey, and faced little resistance due to a lack of strong government in the majority of the American Colonies. Meanwhile captured naval seamen and slaves often willingly joined with pirates, or fled brutal treatment for the egalitarianism of piracy. This motley crew of motives were united in pirate democracy, laid down in a pirate code, preparing the way for democracy in the United States. But as the popularity of pirate life and pirate utopias grew strong, they became a pest to be mercilessly crushed by colonial opposition and the British navy.
with geostrategy history
- MetaFilter: Suction is the female of movement and pressure is the male of movement.
"Lawsonomy is the knowledge of Life and everything pertaining thereto." The collected works of Alfred Lawson - professional baseball player, aviation pioneer, economist, scientist, theologist, and philosopher - are available to all. [more inside]
with philosophy script
- mgrier's WebLog There's data and then there's metadata...
However for all the groovyness that was win.ini, it was also a nightmare. People didn't edit it correctly and installation programs didn't modify it correctly. A setup that actually had an uninstaller was not that common and one that could edit win.ini to remove itself without commonly corrupting win.ini was even rarer. So then someone (I'm sorry, I don't know who and I'm not sure if they're a hero or a villian) invented a simple tree-structured namespace (very similar to the tree structured namespaces of naming services in vogue around the same time) with a semi-decent API around not only reading it but also writing it called the registry. The registry started to house two important kinds of meta-data: configuration an
People like to think a lot about programs in terms of code. It's what we focus on. conditional statements, looping constructs, interface design and implementation, etc. It's really where almost all the research has been focused and it's arguably the most
with computer
- Michael McLarnon - Latin conjugation program (Java)
This is a Java Version of the Latin conjugation program. It will conjugate any regular verb into any of the six tenses of the indicative mood, and into either active or passive voice. You must enter one of the principal parts of the verb.
with history linglang utils
- Million Authors Project
with script by 2 users
- Mixing Memory: The Cognitive Science of Art: Beauty and the Brain
with art psy science
- Murderous Manila
On the Night Shift | by James Fenton | The New York Review of Books
with system:unfiled
- My Paranormal Life: How to make a fake ghost video
I thought this would be fun to share, since learning about video editing and 3D effects I've learnt a few things and also being as cheap as I am, I have put together a video tutorial on how to make a basic fake ghost video using only free software. The results will depend on how much time you want to put into it, for me I am going to use this technique to make a series of funny video shorts, well I hope they will be funny. The tutorial video took me about 20 minutes to make and the actual ghost video will take less than ten minutes. I also hope that this will give some insight into recognising fake ghost videos that claim to be real, something I will never do. How to make a fake ghost video.
with philosophy psy videofilm
- New Scientist SPACE - Breaking News - Earth rocks could have taken life to Titan
check "hard to kill in the dead sea" on cadmus
Read space news and astronomy news. Search articles on the big bang, the universe, black holes and a range of other topics dedicated to space.
astronomy bang big black holes moon news outer shuttle space universe
with astronautics science travel
Note: http://cadmus.blogspot.com/2004/09/hard-to-kill-in-dead-sea.html
- New Systems Possibilities and Proposals
We at the Next System Project want to help dispel the wrongheaded idea that “there is no alternative.” To that end, we have been gathering some of the most interesting and important proposals for political-economic alternatives – in effect, descriptions of new systems. Some are more detailed than others, but each seeks to envision something very different from today’s political economy.
with economylogy geostrategy system:unfiled
- Nihongo o Narau - Japanese Grammar
This page is not meant to be comprehensive. It is merely a brief summary of a few points about Japanese grammar that beginners might find useful. If you have no clue about Japanese grammar, this is the place to start.
with japan linglang
- NingArt
Home : this is viral. ning.com : Create your own Social networking website
Arts & Photography
art fine gallery lowbrow subversive this viral
with art audio design graph media script videofilm w2
- Non-Errors: Those usages people keep telling you are wrong but which are actually standard in English.
Those usages people keep telling you are wrong but which are actually standard in English.
with script by 5 users
- Numbers in Over 5000 Languages
<<mathematic>> By family * Indo-European, Dravidian, and minor European languages * Afro-Asiatic and Caucasian * Nilo-Saharan, Kordofanian, and Khoisan * Niger-Congo * Uralic, and Altaic, and Miao-Yao, and Tai, and Austro-Asiatic, and other Asian * Sino-Tibetan * Austronesian * North American Indian : Eskimo, Na-dené, Algic, Keres, Siouan, Caddoan, Iroquoian, Kiowa-Tanoan, Hokan * Mesoamerican Indian : Penutian, Uto-Aztecan, Oto-Manguean, Macro-Chibchan, Paezan Yanomaman * South American Indian : Andean, Equatorial, Tupi-Cariban, Macro-Otomakoan, Guamo-Chapacuran, Macro-Arawakan, Bora-Witotoan, Macro-Waikurúan, Macro-Panoan, Macro-Ge, isolates * Indo-Pacific * Australian * Pidgins and creoles
with linglang by 2 users
- O'Reilly Radar > Better Gmail
Paul Kedrosky pointed to Lifehacker's Better Gmail. I hope Paul won't mind if I just reprint his entire Better Gmail is Gmail 2.0 post here, since it says it all, elegantly and forcefully: Gina at Lifehacker has created the #1 most important tool any Gmail user needs. It's an add-in, called Better Gmail, combining all the major Greasemonkey hacks for Firefox-based Gmail users, and it turns Gmail from indispensable into ... really indispensable. I'm already using most of the pieces as discrete Greasemonkey hacks, but bundling them all like this is a work of genius. Just install it. Now. Lifehacker also has a good tutorial on using the extension. A really interesting side note: as Better Gmail is a firefox extension, it's not available for IE users. I
with computer economylogy net utils w2
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