- Internet Archive Feature Films
Archive.org has a large number of movies with expired copyrights for download
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- Jamendo
"jamendo is a new model for artists to promote, publish, and be paid for their music."
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- JavaFree
Daniel Fernandes Martins, one of our main collaborators, today initiates an article series on the Framework Tapestry. Wetting the feet with Tapestry it is a tutorial one that he presents, of a clear form, well humorada and objective, information on as framework Tapestry can in helping them to create Java applications for web. The article is available in two versions, HTML and pdf. - (It reads More) JAN 11 Creating Installing with IzPack
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- Johan Norberg
I am Johan Norberg, a Swedish freelance writer and a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute. This is my blog, where I share my latest thoughts and explain my arguments for classical liberalism, free markets and globalisation.
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- Jorge Luis Borges: The Library of Babel
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- Kahlil Gibran Chap.15 - Reason & passion
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- KeepVid: keepvid.com
Download videos from Google Video, Youtube, iFilm, Putfile, Metacafe, DailyMotion!
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- KnowItAll
* How can a computer accumulate a massive body of knowledge? * What will Web search engines look like in ten years? To address these questions, the KnowItAll project has been developing a variety of domain-independent systems that extract information from the Web in an autonomous, scalable manner. The KnowItAll project has been sponsored in part by federal research grants from the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research. Demos: * TextRunner: TextRunner searches 77,652,885 tuples extracted on the topic of nutrition, and sorts the results by probability. * Opine: Opine is a review mining system which uses KnowItAll-type techniques in order to extract product features and customer opinions from product reviews. * KnowItAll
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- L'e-santé européenne est encore morcelée
Les médecins généralistes européens adoptent peu à peu les nouvelles technologies pour le suivi des patients. L'usage de la télémédecine et les échanges de données transfrontaliers restent cependant encore confidentiels. Publié le 28 Avril 2008 Photo E-Santé La moitié des praticiens européens possède une connexion haut-débit. Cette statistique flatteuse cache une disparité forte dans l'accès et l'utilisation des technologies dites de l'information et de la communication sur le Vieux Continent. C'est ce qui ressort d'une étude réalisée par la Commission européenne
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- LanguageGuide - Foreign Language Vocabulary, Grammar, and Readings
LanguageGuide.org offers free sound integrated resources for learning languages. These resources are developed collaboratively with the help of volunteers. It is sponsored by Language Guide, a registered non-profit organization.l
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- LaTeX A quick and dirty start
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- Leo Szilard Online | ATOMIC BOMB DECISION (Hiroshima-Nagasaki)
Documents on the decision to use the atomic bomb are reproduced here in full-text form (transcribed by Gene Dannen), and also as images. In most cases, the originals are in the U.S. National Archives. Other aspects of the decision are shown from accounts by the participants.
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Note: foreignpolicy.com/2013/05/30/the-bomb-didnt-beat-japan-stalin-did
thediplomat.com/2014/08/how-hiroshima-and-nagasaki-saved-mil ...morelions-of-lives
- Les héritières d'Amy Winehouse
France Soir
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- Logical Fallacies and How to Spot Them
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An amusing new game to trick and baffle your friends, based on a recent discovery made at Stanford University, USA. These so-called 'Non Transitive Dice' (Magic Dice) demonstrate a probability that violates common sense and traps the unwary.
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- Maim That Tune: Detune your head
"Are you plagued by Stuck Tune Syndrome? Do you have a song stuck in your head you just can't get out? Take heart friend, for your suffering is over. The Maimograph Machine, through complex analysis and calculation, will find an even catchier tune to counter-act the one you already have."
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