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  • Poynter Online: Web Design Tips
    When teaching journalists, I have noticed that they often seem to prefer learning from the mistakes of others, rather than from shining examples of perfection. It's especially true when it comes to Web design and navigation. I run sessions called "wrecking balls" where we tear apart sites -- and the students love them. Until it's their turn to have their work hit by the wrecking ball, of course.
    with design net
  • Produktsupport Sony Ericsson
    Program, installation och inställningar Nerladdning av program Nerladdning av program * Sony Ericssons uppdateringstjänst * Hämta inställningar via SMS direkt till telefonen och börja använda mobilt Internet . Mobilt Internet (WAP) Hämta inställningar via SMS direkt till telefonen och börja använda e-post på telefonen E-post Hämta inställningar via SMS direkt till telefonen och börja använda bildmeddelanden Interaktiva presentationer som ökar din kunskap Tips och tricks Hur du skapar en trådlös anslutning mellan din telefon och ett Bluetooth®-tillbehör Kombineringsanvisningar * Snabbguider som hjälper dig börja använda de funktioner som ger produkten mervärde Användarhandböcker
    Support Användarhandböcker, hur du kommer igång, felsökning och annan information om din mobiltelefon
    with computer tutorial utils
  • Resource Room: Reading Comprehension - Vocabulary Activities
    Vocabulary is a weak area for many students, but much "vocabulary instruction" ends up being handwriting practice. Edwin Ellis and Theresa Farmer describe the situation eloquently in the introduction to their clarifying strategy to teach vocabulary. To quote:
    with linglang psy script tutorial
  • retroCRUSH - The World's Greatest Pop Culture Site
    POLISH MOVIE POSTERS EAST EUROPE TAKES ON CLASSIC FILMS ARE MINDBLOWING While most movie posters in the United States pretty much showcase the standard corporate style imagery to hawk the film, the fine folks in Poland have a brilliant dramatic license when marketing Hollywood's finest in their country, resulting in some of the most brilliantly surreal and amazing pieces of movie artwork ever created. Some of them are obvious, some seem to be crazy nonsequiters that have nothing to do with the original picture, while others seem to change the focus of the movie altogether. Weekend At Bernies now looks more like a horror film, and Polish poster for The Terror of Mechagodzilla looks as if it was animated by the folks that made Yellow Submarine. Enjoy this
    with art graph videofilm
  • Richard Sarson
    a visualization-style wall decoration based on the 8 global headquarters of the infrastructure consultancy Aecom in Athens, Dubai, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, London, New York, Shanghai & Sydney. the 8 graphics take each capital city as a starting point & connect it, by means of a line, to all 280 worldwide office locations of Aecom. as a result, each installation looks different, depending on the actual headquarter office it is located in.
    with art biz design
    Note: via
  • Ship locations
    Ship weather reports and track maps are based on data reported via the World Meteorological Organization's Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS). Additional reports come from the YOTREPS network of cruising yachts. Quality control evaluations for VOS ships are available at Additional weather data comes from the NOAA Forecast System Laboratory's MADIS database. Tide predictions are provided by a heavily modified version of David Flater's program Xtide. Maps are produced using the University of Minnesota Mapserver, with datasets derived from the NIMA VMAP-0 layers, popularly known as the Digital Chart of the World. Maps are written in PHP/Mapscript. Hurricane data comes from NRL Monterey
    with astronautics economylogy geostrategy
  • SAW: Street Art Workers
    Based in the U.S., SAW is a network of printmakers, stencil artists, graffiti writers and designers who use the streets for art and activism. We are taking back our cities and towns from the businessmen, cops and politicians who define public space for their own benefit. As a volunteer-run group, we make street art for political campaigns and post each other´s work across North America. Since 2001, our projects have talked about prisons (2002), the mass media (2003) and utopian ideas for the future (2004). Our art is a creative tool for social change. We support community organizing by making and distributing high-profile publicity across North America.
    with art design geostrategy graph
  • Sleepy City
    Sleepycity is photographically deconstructing your city. Hit the archives to read stories of adventure and recklessness, or view the galleries for secret tunnels, massive underground spaces and urban infrastructure. These often ignored nooks and crannies are my playground. Learn some more, or grab a light and have a wander; you'll be surprised how little of your city you appreciate.
    with art graph
  • -- Spaceport Singapore: One-Stop Shopping for the Future Space Tourist
    SINGAPORE -– An effort to build a suborbital spaceport destination to cater to space-hungry tourists and families is pushing forward in Singapore, where aviation authorities are developing a homegrown set of regulations for commercial spaceflight. The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CCAS) is laying the groundwork here for the rules to govern flights out of Spaceport Singapore, a planned $115 million (SGD $191 million) project to offer suborbital spaceflights and a host of other experiences to adventure-seeking tourists.
    SINGAPORE -– An effort to build a suborbital spaceport destination to cater to space-hungry tourists and families is pushing forward in Singapore, where aviation authorities are developing a homegrown set of regulations for commercial spaceflight.
    adventures singapore space spaceport
    with astronautics biz economylogy travel
  • Giant Crater Found: Tied to Worst Mass Extinction Ever
    An apparent crater as big as Ohio has been found in Antarctica. Scientists think it was carved by a space rock that caused the greatest mass extinction on Earth, 250 million years ago.
    An apparent crater as big as Ohio has been found in Antarctica. Scientists think it was carved by a space rock that caused the greatest mass extinction on Earth, 250 million years ago.
    antartica crater dinosaurs extinction ohio
    with science
  • St Bloggie de Riviere
    with art biz blogs britain economylogy france geostrategy linglang media travel videofilm
  • Stealth Bike Racing
    The 4-1-1: Regular bike riding just too lame? Mom and Dad making you wear helmets and flashers when you go out at night? What a bone! New Year's Eve is the perfect opportunity to show your skill as a bike rider and a responsible young adult. Make way, Lance Armstrong – this kid doesn't need to hide behind steroids or cancer to make a role model of himself! What You'll Need: You and your friends each need a bicycle, as well as a bunch of black clothing. If you choose to wear pads that's fine, but remember: Knee and elbow pads constrict movement, and since black absorbs every color in the spectrum it deflects pavement pretty well. Winning and safety go hand-in-hand, but the smartest kids know science is just as important! Diz-rections: Ste
    with fun gaming
  • The 150 Best Online Flash Games
    It was a long and exhausting task: playing hundreds of online games for hours in a row, day after day. It was hard, but someone had to do it. The result is the list that you will find below. Enjoy!
    with flash gaming by 2 users
    The ad generator is a generative artwork that explores how advertising uses and manipulates language. Words and semantic structures from real corporate slogans are remixed and randomized to generate invented slogans. These slogans are then paired with related images from Flickr, thereby generating fake advertisements on the fly. By remixing corporate slogans, I intend to show how the language of advertising is both deeply meaningful, in that it represents real cultural values and desires, and yet utterly meaningless in that these ideas have no relationship to the products being sold. In using the Flickr images, the piece explores the relationship between language and image, and how meaning is constructed by the juxtaposition of the two.
    with art design economylogy flash graph
  • The Atlantic Monthly | June 2001: 'Freedom of the Skies' by James Fallows
    Everyone knows about the horrors of modern air travel. What almost no one knows is how inventors, entrepreneurs, and government visionaries have teamed up to create new kinds of small planes that can take off from and land almost anywhere. "Escape From Airline Hell" the scenario might be called, and it's coming soon to an airport near you.
    Everyone knows about the horrors of modern air travel. What almost no one knows is how inventors, entrepreneurs, and government visionaries have teamed up to create new kinds of small planes that can take off from and land almost anywhere. "Escape From Airline Hell" the scenario might be called, and it's coming soon to an airport near you.
    500 eclipse fallows flight free industry james plane planes small sr20
    with astronautics biz economylogy travel
  • The End of Alone - The Boston Globe By Neil Swidey | February 8, 2009
    At our desk, on the road, or on a remote beach, the world is a tap away. It's so cool. And yet it's not. What we lose with our constant connectedness. Don't get me wrong. I love technology. It's magical how it makes the world closer, and more immediate. Take, for instance, the real-time way we learned about the plane that skidded off a Denver runway and burst into flames in December. One of the passengers on Continental Flight 1404 used Twitter to share everything from his initial profanity- and typo-laced reaction to making it out of the fiery jet ("Holy [bleeping bleep] I wasbjust in a plane crash!") to his lament that the airline wasn't providing drinks to the survivors who'd been penned into the airport lounge ("You have your wits scared out of you, dra
    with media net psy
  • The English-to-American Dictionary - category insults
    with britain linglang
  • The Essential Difference front page | Science | Guardian Unlimited
    Baron-Cohen's theory is that the female brain is predominantly hard-wired for empathy, and that the male brain is predominantly hard-wired for understanding and building systems. He calls it the empathising-systemising (E-S) theory. Empathising is the drive to identify another person's emotions and thoughts, and to respond to these with an appropriate emotion. The empathiser intuitively figures out how people are feeling, and how to treat people with care and sensitivity. Systemising is the drive to analyse and explore a system, to extract underlying rules that govern the behaviour of a system; and the drive to construct systems.
    with evo evolution psy science
  • The Foundation for P2P Alternatives
    about abundance africa alternatives arab argentina asia australia austria bangladesh countries for foundation p2p scarcity the
    with economylogy p2p w2
  • The Free Fall Research Page
    Unplanned Freefall? Some Survival Tips by David Carkeet
    David Carkeet is the author of
    alkemade carkeet david herman hermann joe nicholas nick survival tips vesna vulovic
    with fun

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