- Ten Word Wiki - The Express Till For The Internet
Front Page InfoInfo TalkTalk Search: Ten Word Wiki is an Encyclopedia for the ADD generation. We describe everything in ten words exactly. Here's the Index Some random things. Here's the [WWW]Facebook group and [WWW]Twitter account Oh and if you like this sort of stuff then you can catch us doing more of the same over at [WWW]http://www.GiftedKid.co.uk TWW is a MSI production, please contact us at tenwordwiki@gmail.com
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- The New Yorker:The Interpreter Has a remote Amazonian tribe upended our understanding of language? by John Colapinto Apr 16 07
The Pirahã, Everett wrote, have no numbers, no fixed color terms, no perfect tense, no deep memory, no tradition of art or drawing, and no words for “all,” “each,” “every,” “most,” or “few”—terms of quantification believed by some linguists to be among the common building blocks of human cognition. Everett’s most explosive claim, however, was that Pirahã displays no evidence of recursion, a linguistic operation that consists of inserting one phrase inside another of the same type, as when a speaker combines discrete thoughts (“the man is walking down the street,” “the man is wearing a top hat”) into a single sentence (“The man who is wearing a top hat is walking down the street”). Noam Chomsky,
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- The Strategic Studies Institute: Fourth-Generation War and Other Myths
In brief, the theory holds that warfare has evolved through four generations: 1) the use of massed manpower, 2) firepower, 3) maneuver, and now 4) an evolved form of insurgency that employs all available networks—political, economic, social, military—to convince an opponent's decision makers that their strategic goals are either unachievable or too costly. Further, the theory contends that this last form characterizes the terrorists' way of fighting today. Despite reinventing itself several times, the theory has several fundamental flaws that need to be exposed before it influences U.S. operational and strategic thinking
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- VINTAGEKARTAN.SE » Sveriges nya vintagebutik-sajt [+ restauranger # hotell # annonser # jobb # caféer # pizza # sushi #
Vintagekartan.se är en ny sajt där du kan recensera secondhandbutiker och vintageaffärer i hela Sverige. Du kan göra sajten bättre genom att recensera de ställen du själv besökt. Dina recensioner kommer även att synas på Minkarta.se - din alldeles egna, personliga karta.
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- Alchemical Symbols
Alchemy refers to both an early form of the investigation of nature and an early philosophical and spiritual discipline. They both combine elements of chemistry, metallurgy, physics, medicine, astrology, semiotics, mysticism, spiritualism, and art. It has been practiced in Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Persia, India, and China, in Classical Greece and Rome, in Muslim civilization, and then in Europe up to the 19th century in a complex network of schools and philosophical systems spanning at least 2500 years. Today the discipline is still active but is of interest mainly to historians of science and philosophy, and for its mystic, esoteric, and artistic aspects. Alchemy was one of the main precursors of modern sciences, and many substances and processes of anc
Alchemical Symbols. A list of alchemy symbols organised into categories, with a separate section for Gold
alchemical alchemy gold symbol
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- Brix Picks - Movies
Hi! Welcome to the newly designed Brix Picks. Now I'll be updating daily rather than weekly with my favorite things that I hope you'll enjoy. The latest picks are located below, but you can browse the archives all the way back to 2005. Got a tip or suggestion? I’d love to hear it! You can reach me at brixpicks at gmail dot com
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- Learning to unlearn-Scientist's Perspective: John Seely Brown Storytelling
The curious thing is that with these exponential changes, so much of what we currently know is just getting to be wrong. So many of our assumptions are getting to be wrong. And so, as we move forward, not only is it going to be a question of learning but it is also going to be a question of unlearning. In fact, a lot of us who are struggling in large corporations know first hand that the hardest task is to get the corporate mind to start to unlearn some of the gospels that .
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- "Engines of Creation" by Eric Drexler available in free electronic format
"...Many authors start to realize that the danger of obsolescence by obscurity is greater to them that the perceived loss of royalties, and they put their books online, sooner or later after publication. Cory Doctorow is one of those..." <<nanotechnology>>
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- 10 Zen Monkeys (a webzine)
Meme commentary webzine from the MondoGlobo Network.
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- 3:AM Magazine » The Minotaur & the Maze #2 - The Pathology of Night
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- 43 Folders: Ze Frank, on procrastination
I’m a late addition to Ze’s army of Sports Racers, but Jesus Heck, is this fella ever talented. If you have another few minutes (and aren’t already a subscriber), don’t miss “Waves” for a weirdly touching paean to the primacy of the web surfer. Now: off to consider my Power Move.
the show with zefrank [“pro-cra”] I’m a late addition to Ze’s army of Sports Racers, but Jesus Heck, is this fella ever talented. If you have another few minutes (and aren’t already a subscriber),
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- 5 Logical Fallacies That Make You Wrong More Than You Think
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- About the EIB (ArmyStudyGuide.com)
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- academics-in-new-move-begin-to-work-with-wikipedia
The Chronicle of Higher Education
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- Afghanistan: Anti-Coalition Militia ACM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, 2003
s a 31 page 2003 US intelligence brief written at the For Official Use Only level. It was prepared by the Afghanistan Crisis Team, Russia/Central Asia Division, Ground Forces Directorate, National Ground Intelligence Center, and U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, Mr. Michael J. Dueweke, This handbook provides information regarding tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of anti-coalition militia (ACM) forces operating against Afghan military and coalition forces in Afghanistan. The term ACM is used in a generic sense, except in cases where it is important to denote capabilities or procedures of specific elements such as Taliban, al-Qaida, or other forces operating in Afghanistan
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- Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles (Zus)
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- Awesome Canadian Flag Designs That Got Cut (PHOTOS)
Canada became a country in 1867 but didn't actually get its own flag until 1965. For nearly 100 years after Confederation (with a few Union Jack interludes), Canada flew the Red Ensign, a design based on the flag used by British naval vessels and Canada's Coat of Arms. But by the middle of the century, nobody much liked the flag, or what it said about Canadian sovereignty. Lester B. Pearson, then serving as prime minister, led the charge for a new flag and kicked off the official debate in 1964 with his very own design.
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- BlenderWikiTutorials
Welcome to the Blender wiki. This wiki holds or references everything about Blender, a graphics animation and video production program. If you are a Blender user, check out the User documentation. Blender developers click here, and documentors click here.
doc tutorials
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- Bringing Down the House - Evan Philipson University of Pennsylvania
The Causes and Effects of the Decline of Personal Relationships in the U.S. House of Representatives - viewcontent.cgi
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- Charlie's Diary (antipope): The High Frontier, Redux
I write SF for a living. Possibly because of this, folks seem to think I ought to be an enthusiastic proponent of space exploration and space colonization. Space exploration? Yep, that's a fair cop — I'm all in favour of advancing the scientific enterprise. But actual space colonisation is another matter entirely, and those of a sensitive (or optimistic) disposition might want to stop reading right now .
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