Guardian Unlimited Technology | Technology | Bridging the digital divide Thursday February 17, 2005 The Guardian The British charity Citizens Online has an ambitious goal - they would like all schoolchildren in the UK to have their own laptop by 2010. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) boffins Nicholas Negroponte, Seymour Papert and Joseph Jacobson also share the mantra "one laptop per child", but they have a much more ambitious plan: to provide 100m to 200m laptops to schoolchildren in the developing world by the end of 2006. in Issues > OLPCwith olpc Note: Goog overview from the Guardian
Melissa's Stuff: Digital Divide Projects What are we doing? The goals of the research projects and deployments here are to produce appropriate (i.e. useful in daily life) technology at low cost in a way that is both socially and financially sustainable. in Issues > OLPCwith networksolpc Note: Useful summary of projects addressing divide issues