- [EN] DLM Forum & MoReq2
Homepage des DLM Forum
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- [EN] DLM Forum | Homepage
The new DLM Forum website was launched on 9.9.2009. It contains information about the organisation, goals, events, publications a.s.o. One focus is on MoReq and MoReq2
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- [EN] DLM Forum | Invitation to Tender | MoReq 2 Work Programme 2010
DLM Forum | Invitation to Tender | MoReq 2 Work Programme 2010 | MoReq Roadmap | Work Programme Objectives | Project Approach Guidelines | Project Enquiries & Information | Geplante Überarbeitung MoReq2 bis Mai 2010
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- [EN] DLM Forum | Wikipedia
Article about the DLM Forum in the English Wikipedia (including some references about MoReq) | MMGarth & Kff, first version 20th Decembre, 2008
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- [EN] DLM Forum Prague 2009 | Presentations
DLM Forum Conference Prague 2009 | Presentations
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- [EN] E-Invoicing | European Commission | Final Report of the Expert Group on E-Invoicing | November 2009
European Commission | Final Report of the Expert Group on E-Invoicing | November 2009 | The expert group proposes to use UNCEFACT/CII 2 instead of digital signatures
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- [EN] Electronic Records Management | AIIM Industry Watch | September 2009
Direct link: http://www.aiim.org/PDFDocuments/37388.pdf | AIIM | In most organizations, electronic records are still taken less seriously than paper records. Responsibility for applying good records management practice to electronic records would seem to reside in the IT Department rather than in the Records Department, and even where good policies exist, they are often not monitored or enforced. In this report we have compared volumes, policies and effectiveness between the management of electronic records and that of traditional paper. Legal-discovery and litigation-hold have created a demand for specific e-discovery tools, so we looked at their take up. We have also looked at the integration issues across multiple records repositories and measured lon...
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- [EN] European Commission - Archival policy - Moreq
Seite der Europäischen Kommission zu MoReq2 in Englisch
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- [EN] Fabasoft "Folio" Records Management is MoReq2 certified
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- [EN] ICC framework for consultation and drafting of Information Compliance obligations
International Chamber of Commerce | Policy statement | ICC framework for consultation and drafting of Information Compliance obligations | 15.06.2006
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- [EN] ISO Standards Publicly Available
Directory of publicly available ISO standards
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- [EN] MoReq Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records | Homepage
MoReq and MoReq2 website launched on 9.9.2009. The page is maintained by the MGB MoReq Governance Board of the DLM Forum (www.DLM-Forum.eu).
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- [EN] Moreq2 | Project homepage by SERCO
Homepage des MoReq2 Projektes bei SERCO
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- [EN] MoReq2 Appendix 9 Version 1.03 | SERCO MoReq2 project site
MoReq2-Datenmodell | Anhang 9 zu MoReq2 | Version 1.03
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- [EN] MoReq2 Certificate Verification Report | Fabasoft "Folio" | 31.07.2009
The company Fabasoft (http://www.fabasoft.com) from Austria is the first Records Management and Enterprise Content Management vendor to be certified for MoReq2 compliance. The product "Folio" version 9.0.3 passed the tests successfully in June and July 2009. The certificate was issued July 31st, 2009, by the accredited MoReq2 testcenter imbus AG (http://www.imbus.de) on behalf of the DLM Forum, The certificate covers all core modules with reference to the MoReq2 requirement chapters 3 to 9 as well several optional modules from MoReq2 requirements chapter 10: Management of physic (non-electronic) records, disposition of physical records, Document Management and Collaborative Working, Workflow, Casework, and Distributed systems.
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- [EN] MoReq2 product certificate for Fabasoft "Folio" | 31.07.2009
The product "Folio" version 9.0.3 passed the tests successfully in June and July 2009. The certificate was issued July 31st, 2009, by the accredited MoReq2 testcenter imbus AG (http://www.imbus.de) on behalf of the DLM Forum, The certificate covers all core modules with reference to the MoReq2 requirement chapters 3 to 9 as well several optional modules from MoReq2 requirements chapter 10: Management of physic (non-electronic) records, disposition of physical records, Document Management and Collaborative Working, Workflow, Casework, and Distributed systems.
in Public bookmarks with [en] certificate dlm dlm-forum erm fabasoft imbus moreq moreq2 records-management rm standards by 2 users
- [EN] MoReq2 Requirements Version 1.03 | MoReq2.eu
MoReq2 Requirements Document | Version 1.03 | PDF | MoReq2 Projektseite bei SERCO
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- [EN] MoReq2010 | new developments | 14.03.2010
MoReq2010 | new developments | press release | DLM Forum | 14.03.2010 | MGB MoReq Governance Board
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- [EN] OVUM: Microsoft needs to buy an ISO 15489-compliant RM product | www.bharatbook.com | 12.12.2009
OVUM: Microsoft needs to buy an ISO 15489-compliant RM product | www.bharatbook.com | 12.12.2009 | To retain credibility for its enterprise content management offering to regulated industries and government, Microsoft needs to acquire electronic document and records management (EDRM/RM) technology that has been certified to the ISO 15489 standard. Our research reports span the global software and IT services domain covering: strategic issues, technology and services, companies and markets.
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- [EN] PLANETS Market Survey
Needs and Challenges for Digital Preservation | May 2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung markt planets preservation standards trends by 2 users
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