- [DE] Records Management Roadshow 2009 | Multimedia-Dokumentation
Multimedia-Dokumentation der Records Management Roadshow 2009 von PROJECT CONSULT im Mai 2009 in Frankfurt und München. Hergestellt von der RichMediaFactory www.richmediafactory.com | Beiträge von AIIM, imbus, DGI, PROJECT CONSULT, IBM, Open Text, SAPERION, SER; T-Systems, Iron Mountain
in Public bookmarks with [de] aiim dgi dlm dlm-forum ibm imbus ironmounation iso_15489 moreq moreq2 opentext project-consult records-management rm saperion ser standards t-systems ulrich_kampffmeyer by 2 users
- [EN] OVUM: Microsoft needs to buy an ISO 15489-compliant RM product | www.bharatbook.com | 12.12.2009
OVUM: Microsoft needs to buy an ISO 15489-compliant RM product | www.bharatbook.com | 12.12.2009 | To retain credibility for its enterprise content management offering to regulated industries and government, Microsoft needs to acquire electronic document and records management (EDRM/RM) technology that has been certified to the ISO 15489 standard. Our research reports span the global software and IT services domain covering: strategic issues, technology and services, companies and markets.
in Public bookmarks with [en] acquisition erm iso_15489 microsoft moreq moreq2 preservation records-management rm sharepoint standards trends by 2 users
- Records Management
Erläuterungen zum Begriff "Records Management" nach ISO 15489 | PROJECT CONSULT | 2007
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung artikel_kff dod_5015.2 dokumentenmanagement iso_15489 kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 project_consult records_management seminar standards by 2 users
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