- [EN] Presidential Records: Bush vs. Obama acts
Records Management | Presidential Records: Issues for the 111th Congress | Wendy A. Ginsberg | Congress Research Service | 17. February 2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] compliance email records-management standards by 2 users
- [EN] Records Management & MoReq2 | innova.doc 2009 | Barcelona | Ulrich Kampffmeyer
Presentation "Records Management & MoReq2" by Ulrich Kampffmeyer, PROJECT CONSULT | innova.doc 2009 conference | Barcelona 06.10.2009 | ppsx-slideshow
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- [EN] SNIA | CDMI | Cloud Data Management Interface | 0.8 Specification for discussion
SNIA | CDMI | Cloud Data Management Interface | Version 0.80 Working Draft | September 2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] cloud snia standards storage by 2 users
- [EN] US Federal Government Commission requires Records Management ISO 15489 | AIIM
AIIM: Records Management Instrument - Now required by US Federal Government Commission | ISO/TR 15489-2 Information and documentation — Records management — Part 2: Guidelines identifies records management instruments that are required to satisfy the requirements outlined in ISO 15489-1 Information and documentation — Records management — Part 1: General. These instruments are not technology – they are structures and controls that can be used with manual operations and are critical in the use of ERM computer solutions.
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- [ES] Innova.doc Conference Barcelona 6.10.2009 - 7.10.2009
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- [FI] Kansalliset määräykset ja MoReq2
Asiakirjahallinnan reunamerkintöjä
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- [IT] Documentazione di riferimento | CNIPA | Protocollo.Gov.IT
Documentazione di riferimento | CNIPA | Protocollo.Gov.IT: Iniziative per favorire la realizzazione dei Sistemi di Protocollo informatico e gestione flussi documentali Su incarico del Ministro per l'Innovazione e le Tecnologie, l'ex Centro Tecnico ha attivato una gara per la selezione di un fornitore di servizi centralizzato che offrirà un servizio di protocollo in modalità ASP.
in Public bookmarks with [it] records-management standards by 2 users
- [IT] MoReq2 specifications: una sintesi commentata dei nuovi requisiti modello per la gestione di documenti elettronici
MoReq2 specifications: una sintesi commentata dei nuovi requisiti modello per la gestione di documenti elettronici. Article by Maria Guercio. She proposes a synthesis of the MoReq2 specifications with comments related to the specific Italian requirements as defined by the national legislation and the professional tradition ... this is a task for the Italian Chapter 0?!
in Public bookmarks with [it] dlm dlm-forum moreq moreq2 records-management standards by 2 users
- [NL] MoReq2 in een notendop
MoReq2 in een notendop | VHIC - Reportage
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- [RO] MoReq2 Ro sau CerMo2 :)) « Bogdan’s Archival Blog
Dupa DLM, ne apucaram si de traducerea Moreq 2. Deocamdata, dictionarul este la http://moreq2ro.pbwiki.com
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- [RU] Закат эпохи неформалов - CIO
Закат эпохи неформалов, Автор: Елена Некрасова, Опубликовано 27 апреля 2009 года | Artikel zu Records Management in der russischen CIO
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- @rchivista
Archivista - spanischsprachiger Blog zur elektronischen Archivierung von Paco Fernández Cuesta
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- 100 façons de visualiser l'information
Französischer Blog-Artikel von Jean-Luc Raymond zu den 100 Methoden der Visualisierung von Information, Strukturen und Suchergebnissen (A periodic table of visualization methods)
in Public bookmarks with [en] [fr] blog fun search standards by 2 users
- 2007 Cohasset ARMA AIIM Electronic Records Management Survey Results Released : Electronic Discovery Law
Cohasset hat über 1700 Organisationen zum Thema Records Management befragt und ergänzt mit der Studie die vorangegangenen Untersuchungen aus den Jahren 2001 und 2005.
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- A periodic table of visualization methods
Artikel zu den 100 Methoden der Visualisierung von Ralph Lengler und Martin J. Eppler, Universität Lugano
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- A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods
Darstellungsmethoden für Information ... sehr schöne Seite mit Beispielen
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- A tale of two ERMS specifications | ICA Flying Reporters @ the DLM forum
"A tale of two ERMS specifications" | The ICA Flying Reporters discuss the impact of the presentation of Ulrich Kampffmeyer "Breaking the Barriers of Traditional Records Management, held at the DLM Forum Conference Toulouse 2008, 12.12.2008, in regard to the different standardisation activities of ICA and DLM Forum with MoReq2
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- Adobe will PDF-Format für Standardisierung freigeben
Adobe wird über die AIIM (TC 171) PDF zur Normung bei der ISO einreichen
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim document_related_technologies drt iso output_management pdf standards by 2 users
- AIIM - What is ECM
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is the technologies used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes. ECM tools and strategies allow the management of an organization's unstructured inform
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- AIIM calls for adoption of MoReq2
AIIM calls for adoption of MoReq2 The Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) is calling for the adoption of MoReq2, the new model requirements specification for the management of electronic records. By Kim Thomas 03 Dec 2008
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