- [DE] webciety | CeBIT 2011 | Halle 6 | 01.03. - 05.03.2011
Webciety: Halle 6
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- [DE] World Wide Web wird 20 Jahre alt | CERN
Am 30.04.1993 wurde das World Wide Web zur allgemeinen Nutzung freigegeben. Als Vater des WWW gilt Tim Berners-Lee, der das Projekt 1989 beim Europäischen Kernforschungszentrum CERN startete. Seine ursprüngliche Idee war es, die Informationsflut in komplexen wissenschaftlichen Projekten besser beherrschbar zu machen. Von einem weltweiten Standard war damals noch nicht zu träumen - und es war auch ein weiter Weg bis dahin. 1990 entstanden der erste Browser – ein Programm zum Surfen im Netz – sowie überhaupt die erste Webseite mit entsprechenden Inhalten (info.cern.ch).
in Public bookmarks with 20 [de] berners-lee cern geburtstag gratulation internet jahre jubiläum tim w3c web www by 4 users
- [DE] ZDF: Das Web kommt ins Archiv | 29.04.2013
[DE] ZDF: Das Web kommt ins Archiv | 29.04.2013 | Gegen den digitalen Gedächtnisverlust: In Großbritannien werden Webseiten, Blogs und Tweets künftig für die Nachwelt abgespeichert. Auch die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek will Webseiten archivieren. Das Projekt soll in den nächsten Wochen starten. Das Internet ist vergesslich. Schon heute fällt es schwer, Texte, Bilder und Videos aufzurufen, die vor zehn oder 20 Jahren im Netz standen. Die zugehörigen Links sind verwaist – kein Wunder. Das Netz ist schnelllebig. Blogs schließen, Webseiten gehen offline, und Netzwerke wie SchülerVZ machen ihre Tore dicht. Die Inhalte gehen verloren. Es sei denn, sie werden für die Nachwelt archiviert.
in Public bookmarks with [de] age archiv archive archiverung archivieren archivierung blog consult dark dbb dnb internet page project qumram web
- [DE] ZEHN THESEN ZUM WEB - Warum die Dummheit des Internets ein Segen ist | Spiegel Online | Christian Stöcker | 10.08.2009
SPON | 10.08.2009 | Verletzte Urheberrechte, Horrorbilder, Pornografie: Im Wahlkampf ertönt der Ruf nach Regulierung des Internets besonders laut. Solche Forderungen greifen zu kurz, findet Christian Stöcker. Das Netz ist deshalb so nützlich, weil es frei, global, wild ist - und dumm. Zehn Wahrheiten über das Web.
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- [EN] AIIM Communities
AIIM creates a network with new Communities. The first available communties are about E 2.0 and Records Management
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim association blogs community e2.0 imported records-management web
- [EN] AIIM Conference "Managing Information in the Social, Local and Mobile Era" | 20.-22.03.2012 | San Francisco | USA
Back again after some years - an own AIIM conference (and show) event! [EN] AIIM Conference "Managing Information in the Social, Local and Mobile Era" | 20.-22.03.2012 | San Francisco | USA | With content and information management entering a new era of social, local and mobile technologies, it has created a hyper-connected world where people have more avenues than ever to access, create and share information. That's why AIIM is proud to debut an exciting new conference for a new era: AIIM Conference 2012.
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- [EN] AIIM: six new whitepapers on Information Management
Six new whitepapers from AIIM - free download:
#ERM Electronic Records Management
#SocBiz Social Business
#BPM Business Process Management
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- [EN] Amazon, Microsoft and Yahoo unite against Google Books | www.engadget.com | 21.08.2009
Amazon, Microsoft and Yahoo unite against Google Books | Vladislav Savov | Aug 21st 2009 | Microsoft, its new pet dog Yahoo, and Amazon have decided to join together in the soon to be formed Open Book Alliance. You might expect this to be a revolutionary new collaborative effort at delivering the written word in a way that makes Google Books pale into insignificance, but you would, of course, be wrong. Far from trying to compete with Google, The OBA is set to act as the collective mouthpiece for all those opposed to Google's recent $125 million settlement deal with book publishers and authors.
in Public bookmarks with [en] blog google imported internet markt microsoft publication trends web web2.0 by 2 users
- [EN] Archives 2.0 : The next Generation Websites for Archival Holdings | 2010
Bachelor theses "Archives 2.0 : The next Generation Websites for Archival Holdings" | Marylène Goulet | July 2010
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- [EN] Developing MoReq2010 – an ERMS Specification for Diverse Industries and Applications | ARMA Webinar
Developing MoReq2010 – an ERMS Specification for Diverse Industries and Applications | ARMA Webinar | DLM Foundation | Jon Garde
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- [EN] Farewell2oh | Comments in English on the "Goodbye 2.0 revisited" discussion
Farewell2oh | Comments in English on the "Goodbye2 .0 revisited" discussion | “Goodbye 2.0” was the initial theme for a discussion at the DMS EXPO show & conference in Stuttgart, September 24th, 2013. The two opponents of the “Goodbye 2.0 revisited” panel discussion were Ulri ch Kampffmeyer, managing director of PROJECT CONSULT, and Stefan Pfeiffer, Marketing Manager with IBM. The discussion was chaired by Professor Heiko Beier (moresophy). The debate started one year ago with another presentation by Ulrich Kampffmeyer, which led to quite a lot of comments and discussions on the web (#goodbye2null). The Goodbye 2.0 live event was to answer the question, if we should say farewell to the age of “2.0”.
in Public bookmarks with 2 2.0 [en] beier consult diskussion dms enterprise expo farewell goodbye goodbye2null goodbye2zero heiko kampffmeyer panel pfeiffer project stefan web
- [EN] Gartner Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management 2012
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management 2012 | What are the big trends shaping WCM in 2012 and beyond? Which vendors are in the leaders quadrant for their “completeness of vision” and “ability to execute that vision”? Sitecore is pleased to offer this report to provide perspective on the industry’s direction and the vendors driving industry trends. From the report: “three trends have altered the Web content management market since 2011: social media, mobile computing and the inclusion of WCM in more comprehensive solutions oriented toward online channel optimization. Buyers are looking for different capabilities and are changing how they buy WCM products.”
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- [EN] Gartner Magic Quadrant: Sharepoint as challenger in the WCM Web Content Management Quadrant from September 2012
[EN] Web Content Management Quadrant from September 2012 | Leaders quadrant: Opentext, Oracle, HP, Ektron, Sitecore, SDL; Challengers quadrant: Microsft, IBM
in Public bookmarks with [en] adobe blog content gartner hp ibm magic management market opentext oracle quadrant sharepoint trends wcm web
- [EN] Google Business Map 2010
... some interesting aspects in the booklet by Lars Lehne and Mohammad Gawdat, 11.11.2010
in Public bookmarks with [en] google imported markt search trends web web2.0
- [EN] Internet Archive - Wayback Machine - Digital Library
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine - free Books ...
in Public bookmarks with [en] archive archivierung imported internet wayback web by 108 users
- [EN] Lexmark acquires ISYS and Nolij | 19.03.2012
Consolidation in the ECM market place - Lexmark acquires ISYS - enterprise Search - and Nolij - web-based document management. Previous acquisitions were (former SER) Brainware for automated classification, Athena for BPM integration and Perceptive for ECM. LEXMARK ACQUIRES ISYS SEARCH SOFTWARE AND NOLIJ
Mar 19, 2012
in Public bookmarks with [en] acquisition athena brainware classification content document ecm enterprise isys lexmark management market nolij perceptive search trends web
- [EN] Linked Data: A Way Out of the Information Chaos and toward the Semantic Web | Michael A. Keller
Linked Data: A Way Out of the Information Chaos and toward the Semantic Web | Michael A. Keller, Stanford University | EDUCAUSE | July 2011 | Discovery and access for students and faculty are conditioned by four factors, three of them dismal and one a mixed blessing.
in Public bookmarks with [en] content for:twitter library semantic_web web
- [EN] Losing My Revolution | How Many Resources Shared on Social Media Have Been Lost?
Losing My Revolution | How Many Resources Shared on Social Media Have Been Lost? | Hany M. SalahEldeen and Michael L. Nelson | Abstract. Social media content has grown exponentially in the recent years and the role of social media has evolved from just narrating life events to actually shaping them. In this paper we explore how many resources shared in social media are still available on the live web or in public web archives. By analyzing six dierent event-centric datasets of resources shared in social media in the period from June 2009 to March 2012, we found about 11% lost and 20% archived after just a year and an average of 27% lost and 41% archived after two and a half years. Furthermore, we found a nearly linear relationship between time of sharin...
in Public bookmarks with age archaeology archive archiving dark digital early ggogle information infromation internet knowledge memory of preservation society the tweets twitter web
- [EN] Must read 3 articles on E 2.0, Social Business | ReadWriteWeb
3 Must Read Articles on Management for Anyone Involved in Enterprise 2.0 or Social Business | Klint Finley | April 20, 2011 || (1) Gartner Research VP Mike Rollings is calling for an end to Taylorism as a management doctrine. "Humans have become cogs in business machinery pursuing efficiency," he writes. If you think that sounds radical, last year Wall Street Journal editor Allan Murray wrote a piece titled "The End of Management" decrying hierarchy, bureaucracy and encouraging business leaders to embrace change. || (2) "Replacing Taylorism as our Management Doctrine" Rollings' Another example by 37Signals co-founder Jason Fried: "Why I Run a Flat Company" In an article titled "The Management Myth," ex-consultant Matthew Stewart details the history of a...
in Public bookmarks with [en] article e20 enterprise2.0 for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter future socbiz social-business taylorism trends web web_42.0
- [EN] Nova Spivack: "A New Era in Semantic Web History" | DATAVERSITY
[EN] Nova Spivack: "A New Era in Semantic Web History" | DATAVERSITY | 2014 was the end of an era in Semantic Web history, and the beginning of a new one. The era that ended was the first wave of the Semantic Web. The era that began was the Era of Cognitive Computing. As for the end of the first wave of the Semantic Web, Google announced it would end the Freebase project, contributing the data to Wikidata. Freebase, while not based on W3C Semantic Web standards, was certainly one of the most significant semantic open data initiatives and helped to lead to Google's knowledge graph. It's interesting that Google has decided to end the project. But even more interesting is why. Google has evolved their knowledge graph beyond the need for Freebase, on two fro...
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