- [EN] PREMIS in METS Toolbox | pimtools
PREMIS in METS Toolbox | Validation and Conversion of Metadata | The PREMIS in METS Toolbox is a set of open-source tools developed to support the implementation of PREMIS in the METS container format. The tools were created by Florida Center for Library Automation for the Library of Congress in 2009. Validate PREMIS in METS document. Convert between PREMIS & PREMIS in METS. Describe a file with PREMIS using the DAITSS 2 Description service.
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung fb imported metadata mets premis preservation standards
- [EN] Presentations of the DLM Forum Conference December 2011 | Download page
Presentations of the VIth triennial conference Brussels, December 2011, 12.-14.12.2011. The presentations from the conference are listed in the same sequence, titles and authors as they appear in the programme
in Public bookmarks with [en] conference dlm forum ica management moreq moreq2 moreq2010 presentations preservation records standards
- [EN] Presidential Records: Bush vs. Obama acts
Records Management | Presidential Records: Issues for the 111th Congress | Wendy A. Ginsberg | Congress Research Service | 17. February 2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] compliance email imported records-management standards by 2 users
- [EN] Records Management & MoReq2 | innova.doc 2009 | Barcelona | Ulrich Kampffmeyer
Presentation "Records Management & MoReq2" by Ulrich Kampffmeyer, PROJECT CONSULT | innova.doc 2009 conference | Barcelona 06.10.2009 | ppsx-slideshow
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- [EN] Records Management & MoReq2 Market Studies Germany, Austria & Switzerland 2007/2008
Records Management & MoReq2 Market Studies Germany, Austria & Switzerland 2007/2008 | Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer | PROJECT CONSULT | Presentation at the DLM Forum Conference Toulouse 2008 | 11.12.2008 | Automated PPS presentation
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- [EN] SNIA | CDMI | Cloud Data Management Interface | 0.8 Specification for discussion
SNIA | CDMI | Cloud Data Management Interface | Version 0.80 Working Draft | September 2009
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- [EN] US Federal Government Commission requires Records Management ISO 15489 | AIIM
AIIM: Records Management Instrument - Now required by US Federal Government Commission | ISO/TR 15489-2 Information and documentation — Records management — Part 2: Guidelines identifies records management instruments that are required to satisfy the requirements outlined in ISO 15489-1 Information and documentation — Records management — Part 1: General. These instruments are not technology – they are structures and controls that can be used with manual operations and are critical in the use of ERM computer solutions.
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- [EN] Waiting for MoReq 2010: What should we do now? | Inforesight | June 2010
Proposal by Marc Fresko to continue with MoReq2 for implementations, training, eduction a.s.o until MoReq 2010 is published
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- [EN] Will CMIS Suffer JCR's Fate? CMSWire
There has been some debate recently about the “demise” of the JCR specification. One of the factors blamed for JCR’s demise is the relatively new CMIS standard. This begs the question: what is to prevent CMIS from the same fate as JCR?
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- [ES] Innova.doc Conference Barcelona 6.10.2009 - 7.10.2009
in Public bookmarks with [es] conference dlm erm imported moreq preservation records-management rm standards by 2 users
- [FI] Asiakirjahallinnan uusinta uutta: MoReq2
Mistä MoReq2 on tehty ("What's happened with MoReq2?") | Pekka Henttonen | "Faili" (journal for records managers and archivists) no.2 | 2008 | p. 20-21 | Finnisch
in Public bookmarks with [fi] article dlm dlm-forum imported moreq moreq2 preservation records-management standards by 2 users
- [FI] Kansalliset määräykset ja MoReq2
Asiakirjahallinnan reunamerkintöjä
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- [FR] Apprivoiser MoReq
Apprivoiser MoReq ("Taming MoReq") | IALTA | Oktober 2007 | Französisch
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- [FR] Commission européenne - Politique d'Archivage - Moreq
Mise à jour et extension du Modèle d'exigences pour l'organisation de l'archivage électronique. Seite der Europäischen Kommission zu MoReq2 in Französisch
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- [FR] Commission européenne - Politique d'Archivage - Moreq2
MoReq2 Downloadseite in Französisch (Achtung, das Standarddokument ist in Englisch)
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- [FR] ICA-Req est maintenant disponible en français
[FR] ICA-Req est maintenant disponible en français standard records management
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- [FR] La Mort de MoReq? | Memoire & Savoir | 12.06.2010
Article par Pierre Fuzeau sur ISO 16175 et l' avenir du standard MoReq2010 | La Mort de MoReq? | Memoire & Savoir | 12.06.2010
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- [FR] La norme AFNOR ZF Z42-013 SEA Systemes Electronique d'Archivage est transformée en ISO 14641-1
Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer | XING | 17.01.2012 | La norme française AFNOR NF Z42-013, spécification des SAE Systèmes d’Archivage Electronique,était acceptée comme ISO 14641-1 Electronic archiving -- Part 1: Specifications concerning the design and the operation of an information system for electronic information preservation. La norme est publiée (ISO/FDIS etait changé a 60/60). La norme NF Z 42-013 énonce un ensemble de spécifications de l'AFNOR concernant les mesures techniques et organisationnelles à mettre en œuvre pour l'enregistrement, le stockage et la restitution de documents électroniques afin d'en assurer la conservation et l'intégrité.
in Public bookmarks with 14641-1 [fr] afnor archiv archivage archivierung consult digital iso kampffmeyer norm preservation project standards ulrich xing z42-013 zf
- [IT] Documentazione di riferimento
CNIPA | Protocollo.Gov.IT
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- [IT] MoReq2 specifications: una sintesi commentata dei nuovi requisiti modello per la gestione di documenti elettronici
MoReq2 specifications: una sintesi commentata dei nuovi requisiti modello per la gestione di documenti elettronici. Article by Maria Guercio. She proposes a synthesis of the MoReq2 specifications with comments related to the specific Italian requirements as defined by the national legislation and the professional tradition ... this is a task for the Italian Chapter 0?!
in Public bookmarks with [it] dlm dlm-forum imported moreq moreq2 records-management standards by 2 users
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