- [EN] An evaluation of MoReq2 in the context of national EDRMS standard developments in the UK and Europe | Emerald
Philipp Wilhelm: An evaluation of MoReq2 in the context of national EDRMS standard developments in the UK and Europe | Records Management Journal | 2009 | Band 19 | Ausgabe 2 | ISSN 0956-5698 | Zusammenfassung der Diplomarbeit zum gleichen Thema
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- [EN] Approaches to make EDRMS with MOSS MoReq2 compatible | James Lappin
The different approaches to get MoReq 2 compatible EDRM systems to work with SharePoint 2007 | May 10, 2009 | James Lappin
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- [EN] Breaking the Barriers of Traditional Records Management
Breaking the Barriers of Traditional Records Management | Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer | PROJECT CONSULT | Presentation at the DLM Forum Conference Toulouse | 12.12.2008 | PPS automated presentation
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- [EN] Developing MoReq2010 – an ERMS Specification for Diverse Industries and Applications | ARMA Webinar
Developing MoReq2010 – an ERMS Specification for Diverse Industries and Applications | ARMA Webinar | DLM Foundation | Jon Garde
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- [EN] DLM Forum | Homepage
The new DLM Forum website was launched on 9.9.2009. It contains information about the organisation, goals, events, publications a.s.o. One focus is on MoReq and MoReq2
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- [EN] DLM Forum | Invitation to Tender | MoReq 2 Work Programme 2010
DLM Forum | Invitation to Tender | MoReq 2 Work Programme 2010 | MoReq Roadmap | Work Programme Objectives | Project Approach Guidelines | Project Enquiries & Information | Geplante Überarbeitung MoReq2 bis Mai 2010
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- [EN] DLM Forum | MoReq 2010 | Public Consultation Portal launched
Announcement of MoReq 2010 Public Consultation Portal | Request for participation | Please distribute this link
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- [EN] DLM Forum | MoReq 2010 | Public Consultation Portal launched
Announcement of MoReq 2010 Public Consultation Portal | Request for participation | Please distribute this link
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- [EN] DLM Forum | MoReq Download page | MoReq2010
Download page for MoReq standards
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- [EN] DLM Forum | MoReq2010 Technical Committee and XML Schema launch
The DLM Forum launches the MoReq2010 Technical Committee to manage and extend MoReq2010, the new European records management specification, and publishes the first XML Schema that enables interoperability between records systems. The DLM Forum Foundation, the pan-European forum for document, information, records and archives sponsored by the European Commission, today announced the formation of a new Technical Committee which will steer the future direction of the MoReq2010 specification. Leading vendors such as Automated Intelligence, EMC, Fabasoft, Gimmal Group, HP, Open Text, and Oracle, together with Records Management consultants and industry analysts have already joined the new Committee which met for the first time on Friday 7th July 2011.
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- [EN] DLM Forum | Wikipedia
Article about the DLM Forum in the English Wikipedia (including some references about MoReq) | MMGarth & Kff, first version 20th Decembre, 2008
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- [EN] DLM Forum Announcement
1st consultation period on the development of MoReq210 | Invitation for participation
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- [EN] DLM Forum Member Meeting & MoReq2010 in Budapest | James Lappin
James lappin attended the DLM Forum meeting in Budapest last week (May 12 and 13) at which Jon Garde announced that the core requirements of the MoReq 2010 specification had been finalised and would be published as a PDF on the DLM forum website within the fortnight following the meeting. It was possible that it might also be issued as a hard copy publication later in the year.
in Public bookmarks with [en] digital-preservation dlm dlm-forum erm for:culturalheritage for:dschultz56 for:gdearing for:hannskk for:hobohm for:jhagmann for:jptaravella for:twitter moreq moreq2 moreq2010 preservation records records-management standards
- [EN] DLM Forum Member Meeting Budapest 12.-13.05.2011 | Final Programme published
DLM FOrum Member Meeting Budapest 12.-13.05.2011 | Final Programme published
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- [EN] DLM Forum Members Meeting | Budapest | 12.-13.05.2011 | Registration
Registration Form - A major topic at the DLM Forum meeting will be MoReq2010
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- [EN] DLM Forum Members Meeting Spring 2010 | Madrid
DLM Forum Members Meeting Spring 2010 | Madrid | Ministry of Culture | May 25th - 26th, 2010 | Programme | Registration Form
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- [EN] DLM Forum Prague 2009 | Presentations
DLM Forum Conference Prague 2009 | Presentations
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- [EN] EMC Commits to MoReq2 Certification of EMC Documentum Records Manager | CNN.com | 10.11.2009
At the Momentum Conference in Athens EMC committed to have their records management software certified for MoReq2. EMC Commits to MoReq2 Certification of EMC Documentum Records Manager. CNN Money | November 10, 2009
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- [EN] ERM | Electronic Records Management Community | AIIM
AIIM has moved the ERM community to the main site of AIIM.org
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- [EN] European Commission - Archival policy - Moreq
Seite der Europäischen Kommission zu MoReq2 in Englisch
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