- [EN] BPM Jungle Safari - Estimating Delays | Adam Deane ;-)
BPM Jungle Safari – Estimating Delays | Adam Deane | 23.05.2011 | OSSIE: Thank you for taking me up with you on your aircraft, Daryl. | DARYL: My pleasure OZ, I enjoy your company. | OSSIE: It’s nice to see the jungle from above. Look I can see the Elephants. | DARYL: You better call in base, and tell them where we are. | OSSIE: ok.. (picks up the microphone) Jungle Safari to Base… Jungle Safari to Base… We are currently over the jungle. Estimated arrival time: 3 hours 15 minutes. | (..bang..)
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- [EN] Calculating the impact of the Impact Calculator | Records management futurewatch
Steve Bailey : Records management futurewatch: Calculating the impact of the Impact Calculator
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- [EN] Cloud Computing Advantages & Disadvantages | Infographic | CloudTweaks - AppNeta
Cloud Computing Advantages & Disadvantages | Infographic | CloudTweaks - AppNeta | 11.07.2011
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- [EN] Death of The Document | Eric Savitz | CIO Network - Forbes
Der Artikel "Death of The Document" von Eric Savitz im Forbes CIO Network vom April 2011 fasst eigentlich nur zusammen, was seit Jahren in der ECM Branche klar ist - die Unterscheidung Daten und Dokumente, strukturiert und unstruktiert, ist längst obsolet. Es lebe das Informationsobjekt, das beliebig strukturiert Daten als Information zusammenfasst und im Kontext zeitpunktgenau "dokumentiert". Dies können Transaktionen, PDFs, Webseiten, Scans, Excel-Dateien, Listen, Datenbanken oder was auch immer sein.
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- [EN] DLM Forum | MoReq Download page | MoReq2010
Download page for MoReq standards
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- [EN] DLM Forum | MoReq2010 Technical Committee and XML Schema launch
The DLM Forum launches the MoReq2010 Technical Committee to manage and extend MoReq2010, the new European records management specification, and publishes the first XML Schema that enables interoperability between records systems. The DLM Forum Foundation, the pan-European forum for document, information, records and archives sponsored by the European Commission, today announced the formation of a new Technical Committee which will steer the future direction of the MoReq2010 specification. Leading vendors such as Automated Intelligence, EMC, Fabasoft, Gimmal Group, HP, Open Text, and Oracle, together with Records Management consultants and industry analysts have already joined the new Committee which met for the first time on Friday 7th July 2011.
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- [EN] DLM Forum Member Meeting Budapest 12.-13.05.2011 | Final Programme published
DLM FOrum Member Meeting Budapest 12.-13.05.2011 | Final Programme published
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- [EN] dpc : Getting Started in Digital Preservation - slides
dpc digital preservation coalition | Getting Started in Digital Preservation | Slides now available! | Slides from all four 'Getting Started in Digital Preservation' events in London on 4th Feb, Glasgow on 28th Feb,Cardiff on 21st March and York on 15th April are now available online.
A direct link: http://www.bl.uk/blpac/digiglasgow.html
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- [EN] ECM = Enterprise CHICKEN Management | YouTube
[EN] ECM = Enterprise CHICKEN Management | YouTube | Doug Zongker's "Chicken chicken chicken". Presented at the AAAS humor session, February 16, 2007
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- [EN] Enterprise Information Management: Advice from the Experts | CMSWire
Enterprise Information Management: Advice from the Experts | Chelsi Nakano (@chelkano) | May 20, 2011 | Is Your Enterprise CMS Ready to Move to the Cloud? | Is Collaboration the End of Process? | Interview: Top SharePoint Records Management Blogger, Don Lueders, Has Some Choice Words For You
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- [EN] Evolutionary taxonomy, records management and fish | Future Proof
Future Proof – Protecting our digital future | A State Records initiative for the NSW Government | Kate Cumming writes "Carol Kaesuk Yoon has written a brilliant book called Naming Nature: The Clash Between Instinct and Science. It’s about scientific taxonomy – the identification and classification of species – but it has so much to say about the theory and process of classification that I think it raises a lot of fascinating issues for our profession as well."
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- [EN] Facebook vs. Google+ | Infographic | Technobombs blog
Facebook vs. Google+ | Infographic | Technobombs blog | 11.07.2011 || The real problem is - too many social platforms are fighting for your attention: Google+, Linkedin, Twitter, XING, Facebook, Slideshare, Delicious, Scribd, a.s.o. Your time is spoiled and your concentration is devided. You cannot be everywhere and "automation" only creates the "noise of redundancy". The fight will end soon - there will be a concentration of the majority users to one platform. There as well advertisements, SEO and direct communication will concentrate. And the rest of social platforms will slowly disappear into the shadows of the early history of the electronic information age.
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- [EN] Forrester : Empowered BT - A Road Map For CIOs | Khalid Kark
Empowered BT - A Road Map For CIOs | Khalid Kark | April 26, 2011 | As you may know, I recently was named the Research Director for our CIO team — a team of highly accomplished and experienced analysts at Forrester. One of our first tasks as a team was to define the current changes in the technology and business landscape and develop a cohesive view of what this means for the role of CIO. What will it mean to be a CIO in the “empowered” world? As you can imagine, this led to a healthy debate and many different perspectives on what the future CIO role would look like. Here are some highlights from our discussion so far.
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- [EN] IF4IT : Taxonomy of Records Management | Only a Glossary? Or What?
IF4IT | The International Foundation for Information Technology | Taxonomy of Key Records Management Types or Categorizations - This has obviously nothing to do with Records Management as defined by ISO 15489, ISO 3030x, ISO 16175, MoReq, MoReq2, MoReq2010, DoD 5015.2, ICA-Req or any other standard in the Records Management arena -
Description: The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of different Records Management types or categorizations that are used by Information Technology (IT) professionals in order to help define, structure, organize, track and understand various forms of Data, Information, and Knowledge. These Record Management types or categorizations are associated with the IT Discipline called Records Management and all of its rel...
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- [EN] ISO 16175-3:2010 - Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments -- Part 3: Guid...
ICAReq - ISO 16175-3:2010 - Information and documentation -- Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments -- Part 3: Guidelines and functional requirements for records in business systems
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- [EN] ISO 30300 Records Management | Certification for products and solutions available in 2012
[EN] ISO 30300 Records Management | ISO/DIS 30300 Information and documentation - Management system for records -- Fundamentals and vocabulary
| Certification for RM products and solutions available in 2012
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- [EN] Knowledge Society | Lorie Vela | Blog
LorieVela: The first time we ever heard about “knowledge society” was back in 1969, when Peter Drucker used these words to describe certain aspects of management, but it wasn’t until 1990 when researchers like Mansell or Stehr published their studies, that we really started to know about it. We can find the keys to Knowledge Society following the steps of what we call the Information society, heading towards a much more collaborative global world of knowledge sharing: a democratization, globalization and universalism of knowledge.
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- [EN] Magic Quadrant for Social Software in the Workplace - Gartner
Gartner Magic Quadrant | Social Software | 2011
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- [EN] MoReq2010 | DLM Forum | revised press release 8.6.2011
Revised press release from the DLM Forum homepage, June 8th, 2011
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- [EN] MoReq2010 a DOD 5015 Slayer? | Real Story Group - MoReq2010 is not yet released ;-)
Moreq2010 a DOD5015 slayer? #ecm #standards - Real Story Group - Alan Pelz-Sharpe - 23.05.2011 - As subscribers to our research know only too well, standards in the world of document and records management are a bit thin on the ground, and those that do exist are often cumbersome and unwieldy. As a result, few buyers of document and record management systems (ECM) pay much attention to them. This is particularly the case in the world of Records Management, where the US Military DOD5015 standard has long held sway -- at least in theory. Vendors claim DOD5015 compliance, but in reality few organizations actually use the systems in a DOD5015-compliant manner. It's an over-arching standard that demands a particularly complex and cumbersome working methodolo...
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