- [DE] Bundeskabinett will Deutsche Digitalbibliothek | SPON | 02.12.2009
Spiegel online | Google Konkurrenz: Bundeskabinett will Deutsche Digitalbibliothek | 02.12.2009 | Ein nicht sehr toll recherchierter Beitrag zur ddb. Die ddb ist hier außerdem als wichtiger nationaler Aggregator für Europeana.eu zu sehen und Europeana ist nun bei weitem nicht nur eine Bibliothek sondern erschließt auch Museen, Archive und andere Sammlungen
in Public bookmarks with [de] ddb europeana google imported library spon by 2 users
- [DE] Google Art Project - Sammlungen
Eine schöne neue Google Welt mit virtuellen Rundgängen durch namhafte Museen und hochauflösenden Bildreproduktionen. Ist dies die große Konkurrenz zu europäischen Projekten wie EUROPEANA oder in Deutschland der ddb. Immerhin lässt sich Google das einiges kosten und die beteiligten Institutionen hätten selbst wohl kaum das Geld für solche professionellen Auftritte.
in Public bookmarks with [de] archiv art bibliothek collection ddb europeana fun google kunst museum sammlung streetview
- [EN] Europeana wins Erasmus prize | http
//www.Europeana.eu | EuroMedia Awards | ESEC | 16.10.2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] ec erasmus europeana imported prize by 2 users
- [EN] Europeana's huge cultural dataset opens for re-use | EUROPEANA metadata as Public Domain
EUROPEANA'S HUGE CULTURAL DATASET OPENS FOR RE-USE The Hague, 12 September 2012 - Opportunities for apps developers, designers and other digital innovators will be boosted today as the digital portal Europeana opens up its dataset of over 20 million cultural objects for free re-use. The massive dataset is the descriptive information about Europe's digitised treasures. For the first time, the metadata is released under the Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication, meaning that anyone can use the data for any purpose - creative, educational, commercial - with no restrictions. This release, which is by far the largest one-time dedication of cultural data to the public domain using CC0 offers a new boost to the digital economy, providing electronic entr...
in Public bookmarks with [en] culture data europeana metadata open re-use
- [EN] Google Art Project - Streetview powered Art Galleries
Google uses Streetview technology to create virtual tours with images of the leading Art Galleries of the World - another competitor for Europeana?
in Public bookmarks with [en] archive art culture europeana for:twitter google by 11 users
- [EN] Semantics and Multilinguality for EUROPEANA | study
Semantics and Multilinguality for EUROPEANA | study | Report on multilingual and semantic enrichment strategy | The EuropeanaTech Task Force on multilingual and semantic enrichment strategy is happy to announce that its report is now available for download. During a workshop, we analyzed six datasets of Europeana extensively to determine the usage of each field in relation with its semantics, to study the multilinguality aspects of the dataset, and to understand what kind of enrichments were undertaken, why they possibly failed and how they could be improved. The Task Force provides recommendations on each of the stages that the metadata undergoes until it is displayed in Europeana: creation of the metadata by the provider, mapping to EDM and ingestion i...
in Public bookmarks with [en] culture enrichment europeana europeana.eu multi-lingual multilingual report semantic semantics strategy think web
- [EN] The DPLA Digital Public Library of America was launched 18.04.2013
[EN] The DPLA Digital Public Library of America was lauched 18.04.2013 | EUROPEANA and DPLA are public wave-breakers for open access and against commercial providers like Google
in Public bookmarks with [en] access america bücherei digital dpla europeana google library of open public by 4 users
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