- Canal-U
Canal-U est un projet de la communauté universitaire lancé en 2000. Canal-U est la vidéothèque numérique de référence de l'enseignement supérieur. Enseignants et étudiants peuvent y trouver des programmes enrichis de documents pédagogiques et validés par les conseils scientifiques des Universités Numériques Thématiques. Canal-U rassemble des producteurs généralement faisant partie d'universités et d’organismes d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche.
in Web_Resources with education it sciences by 3 users
- Fuzzy Logic
A directory of resources on fuzzy logic
AAAI's AITopics explores Fuzzy Logic techniques and systems that make inferences with imprecise concepts like 'rather warm' or 'pretty cold'.
fuzzy logic multivalued
in Web_Resources with sciences by 2 users
- Fuzzy Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
in Web_Resources with math philosophy sciences
- HowStuffWorks
Learn how Everything Works! HowStuffWorks, a wholly owned subsidiary of Discovery Communications, is the award-winning source of credible, unbiased, and easy-to-understand explanations of how the world actually works. Founded by North Carolina State University Professor Marshall Brain in 1998, the site is now an online resource for millions of people of all ages.
HowStuffWorks explains thousands of topics, from engines to lock-picking to ESP, with video and illustrations so you can learn how everything works.
educational explain explains explanation information lea learn students study teachers tell tutorials understand understanding
in Web_Resources with energy sciences technology tools by 294 users
- The Jane Goodall Institute
Founded by renowned primatologist Jane Goodall, the Jane Goodall Institute is a global nonprofit that empowers people to make a difference for all living things.
apes behavior bonobos chimp chimpanses chimpanzee chimpanzees chimpanzes chimps dian fossey goodall greater jane monkeys prima
in Ecosoc > Sustainability with sciences sustainability by 3 users
- Technology news and new technology highlights from New Scientist
New Scientist Tech
in Public bookmarks with robotique sciences technology by 2 users
- British Association for the Advancement of Science
The BA is a charity which exists to advance the public understanding, accessibility and accountability of the sciences and engineering
in Public bookmarks with sciences technology
- Automates Intelligents
Robotique, intelligence artificielle, vie artificielle, nouvelles sciences, Europe
in Ecosoc > Prospective with robotique sciences
sciences from all users