- Ars Technica
Ars Technica specializes in original news and reviews, analysis of technology trends, and expert advice on topics ranging from the most fundamental aspects of technology to the many ways technology is helping us enjoy our world. We work for the reader who not only needs to keep up on technology, but is passionate about it.
in IT > IT_News with internet by 51 users
- Base64 Online
base64 decode and encode
base64 decrypt decrypter decryption encrypt encryption
in IT > Programming with internet programming search_engine by 8 users
- Guide AccessiWeb
in Public bookmarks with accessibility internet
- IP Address Lookup and GeoTargeting
Community Geotarget IP Project - domain to IP lookup, what country, city IP addresses map to - IP Trace
My IP Address Lookup and GeoTargeting - Community Geotarget IP Project - what country, city ip addresses map to - IP Trace
address geocode geotarget location lookup trace
in Public bookmarks with internet webmastering by 9 users
- ReadWriteWeb
ReadWriteWeb is a blog that provides analysis of web products and trends. (Web Apps, Web Technology Trends, Social Networking and Social Media )
ReadWriteWeb is a popular weblog that provides Web Technology news, reviews and analysis, covering web apps, web technology trends, social networking and social media.
in IT > IT_News with internet technology by 49 users
- Secunia
in Public bookmarks with internet security by 13 users
- Webopedia
Online Computer Dictionary for Computer and Internet Terms and Definitions
An online computer dictionary and internet search engine for internet terms and technical support.
computer dictionary education encyclopedia internet online supportsupport technical terms
in IT with computer dictionary english internet it by 83 users
- First Monday
Peer reviewed journal on the internet
in IT > IT_News with informatique internet sociology by 4 users
- Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is a non-profit that was founded to build an Internet library, with the purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format. Founded in 1996 and located in the Presidio of San Francisco, the Archive has been receiving data donations from Alexa Internet and others. In late 1999, the organization started to grow to include more well-rounded collections. Now the Internet Archive includes texts, audio, moving images, and software as well as archived web pages ...
in Public bookmarks with internet by 3 users
- Le portail du Droit et des Nouvelles Technologies
des actualités sur l'internet,ntic,la loi,la doctrine,l'e-commerce... en Europe et dans le monde
in IT > IT_News with droit internet
- OpenID
OpenID is a free and easy way to use a single digital identity across the Internet.
in IT with internet openid security by 30 users
- Principles of Open Government Data
December 7-8, 2007, 30 open government advocates gathered to develop a set of principles of open government data. The meeting, held in Sebastopol, California, was designed to develop a more robust understanding of why open government data is essential to democracy.
in Public bookmarks with databases internet public_data
- Technology Review
The Authority on the Future of Technology Technology Review is owned by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The oldest technology magazine in the world (est. 1899), it aims to promote the understanding of emerging technologies and to analyze their commercial, social, and political impacts. Our insight into innovation assists technology and business. With international editions in China, Italy, and Germany, Technology Review reaches more than two million industry and R&D leaders around the world through its print magazine, website, newsletters, and live events.
From MIT. Information on Emerging Technologies & impact on business & society
biotech biotechnology biz business information infotech magazine mit nanotech nanotechnology review tech technology
in IT > IT_News with informatique internet prospective technology by 16 users
- Internet Archive
The Internet Archive (IA) is a nonprofit organization (owned by Amazon) dedicated to maintaining an on-line library and archive of Web and multimedia resources. Located in San Francisco, California, it archives copies of pages (taken at various points in time), software, movies, books, and audio recordings. To ensure the stability and endurance of the archive, IA is mirrored at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Egypt.
in Public bookmarks with internet by 96 users
- Juicy Studio: No artificial additives
Juicy Studio is an independent UK website, run by Gez Lemon. The mission of this website is to promote best practice for web developers in a fast moving industry.
in IT > Programming with accessibility internet webmastering by 5 users
- Securite-informatique (Gouv. français)
L'objectif de ce portail d’information est de proposer des fiches pratiques et des conseils destinés à tous les publics (particuliers, professionnels, PME). Il comporte également des actualités et avertit de menaces nouvellement rencontrées qui appellent une action rapide des utilisateurs pour en limiter les effets.
in IT with internet security
- Techcrunch
TechCrunch, founded on June 11, 2005, is a weblog dedicated to profiling and reviewing new Internet products and companies, and existing companies that are making an impact (commercial and/or cultural) on the new web space.
Startup and Technology News
in IT > IT_News with innovation internet technology by 109 users
- Cox Communications - Arizona
DSL, digital telephony, cable TV
in Web_Resources > Tucson with internet tucson
- Droit et Nouvelles Technologies (droit belge et français)
Droit & Nouvelles Technologies (site animé par deux juristes et un ingénieur)
in IT > Sociotic with droit informatique internet
- FING - Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération
Faire de la France, en Europe, le creuset d'une dynamique de recherche et d'innovation numériques au service de la performance économique et du développement humain.
in IT > Sociotic with informatique internet sociology
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