Blender is a 3D animation program released as free software. It can be used for modeling and creating interactive 3D applications. Blender is available for several operating systems ( Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris...). Blender has a robust feature set similar in scope and depth to other high-end 3D software such as Maya. Blender was used in Spider-Man 2, Elephant Dreams, Project Apricot ... Optimal specs for Hardware * 2 Ghz dual CPU * 2 GB Ram * 1920 x 1200 px Display with 24 bit color * 3 Button Mouse * Open GL Graphics Card with 128 or 256 MB Ram
More on Blender is the open source, cross platform suite of tools for 3D creation. 3-daloneblendercomputercreationgraphicsmultimediaplayerplug-inpluginpublisherpublishingstandstand-alonetoolsweb with educationgraphicsby 24 users
calibre calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application, with a buit-in ebook reader too. with ebooksby 3 users
CinePaint CinePaint is a deep paint image retouching tool that supports higher color fidelity than ordinary painting tools. with gimpphotoby 5 users
Claroline Claroline is an eLearning and eWorking platform, Open Source, which allows organizations to create and administer courses and collaboration spaces online. Each course space provides a list of tools enabling the teacher to write a course description, publish documents in any format (text, PDF, HTML, video...), administer public and private forums, manage an agenda with tasks and deadlines ... Adjustable to various training contexts, Claroline is not only used by schools and universities, but also by training centres, associations and companies. Claroline is based on free technologies like PHP and MySQL and uses the current standards like SCORM and IMS/QTI for the exchange of contents. with education
Inkscape. Draw Freely. An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. with software
WampServer WampServer is a Windows web development environment that allows to create web applications with Apache, PHP and the MySQL database. It also comes with PHPMyAdmin . with apachemysqlphpwebmasteringby 2 users
Wikit WikIT is here to provide you with a resource to help in taming the torrent of information that knowledge workers have to deal with daily with knowledgemind-mappingwiki
Pentaho Commercial Open Source Business Intelligence Pentaho is the commercial open source alternative for business intelligence (BI). Pentaho Open BI Suite provides comprehensive reporting, OLAP analysis, dashboards, data integration, data mining and a BI platform with data
Securite-informatique (Gouv. français) L'objectif de ce portail d’information est de proposer des fiches pratiques et des conseils destinés à tous les publics (particuliers, professionnels, PME). Il comporte également des actualités et avertit de menaces nouvellement rencontrées qui appellent une action rapide des utilisateurs pour en limiter les effets. with internetsecurity