- depictr
A toy that analyses song lyrics and poetry to create a mosaic of appropriate photos. IE only.
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- Des pros ?
Is this possible? Eyes shut?
with fun sports video by 2 users
- Design in Origami
with fun gallery origami
- Design View : Andy Rutledge - The White House Redux example
Web designer? No work? Look how Andy Rutledge restyled the whitehouse website, much better than the real one. This is good advertissment for the designer, no?
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- Design215 Toolbox for Photographers, Graphic Designers, and Web Developers
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- Desktop Nexus Wallpapers - Wallpaper, Desktop Wallpapers, Computer Backgrounds
with wallpaper by 15 users
- Detect Feed
Bookmarklet to help you auto-detect RSS feeds and subscribe to them. Perfect for Chrome users. How to use this bookmarklet: 1. Bookmark the following link (add it to your favorites): Detect Feed 2. On any website that should have a feed, click the newly created bookmarklet. 3. Enjoy!
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- Developer Color Picker
an other tab for the mac color picker! =)
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- Developer Offerings
Translation is a tool, not a destination. Following up on this philosophy, Microsoft Translator developer offerings provide developers a wide spectrum of translation and language APIs for integration into their applications and services. For commercial licensing information, you can contact mtlic@microsoft.com.
with api microsoft translator
- Developer's Guide - Google Chart API - Google Code
The Google Chart API lets you dynamically generate charts. To see the Chart API in action, open up a browser window and copy the following URL into the address bar: http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=p3
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- Developers Wiki - MicroFormats
with developer microformats website wiki by 2 users
- developerWorks : IBM's resource for developers and IT professionals
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- Devshop.com - Really smart project management, just for software teams.
Desktop like web-based project manager for devvelopers. ->http://www.devshop.com/
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- Dexrex - Home
Backup Your IM's and SMS Text Messages. It's secure, easy and convenient. Numbers, links, addresses, etc. By account or IM extension. AOL Instant Messenger, - Windows Live, - Yahoo!, - iChat - Adium, - Proteus...
with backup chat extension service tools
- dFlickr: Delphi API Kit for Flickr
a Delphi wrapper of the Flickr API providing the necessary classes to access users/photos/photosets/groups/pools/blogs in Flickr.
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- Diagrammr
Automatically create and share diagrams by writing sentences!
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- Dial2Do - Home
Dial2Do lets you do common tasks by just calling a number and speaking. Use it to send EMAIL or TEXT messages, record REMINDERS to help you remember things, post updates to your TWITTER or JAIKU stream and LISTEN to your favourite internet content. It's easy and handsfree.
with emails reminder service sms speech tasks voice by 7 users
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