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Below every search result you will find a "Add Comment" link. If there are any comments on this URL, they will be directly shown under the result.
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Good for crosswords. Fast cross-referenced definitions, spelling correction, and word searches from WordNet, Webster's, FOLDOC, and a variety of specialized sources. Tips:Typing word.dict.die.net into your browser's location bar will show you a definition for word.You can also use wildcards to find a word. ? will match any single character, while * will match zero or more. For example, if you know the word you are looking for starts with h, contains ist, and ends with c, you can ask for: h*ist*cFor quick dictionary lookups as you browse web pages, bookmark "Dictionary" either by right-clicking on the link and selecting "Add bookmark for link" or dragging it to your browser toolbar. You may then highlight any word on a page and select the Dictionary book...
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Free cross-referenced definitions, spelling correction, and word searches from WordNet, Webster's, FOLDOC, and a variety of specialized sources.
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The first online social dictionary. Upload photos, tag, and rate your favorite words.
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