in Public bookmarks with ecology fun website
- CSS Zen Sentiero
A Italian CSS ZEN garden
in Public bookmarks with css example italian layout website
- Design View : Andy Rutledge - The White House Redux example
Web designer? No work? Look how Andy Rutledge restyled the whitehouse website, much better than the real one. This is good advertissment for the designer, no?
in Public bookmarks with designe fun idea website
- Developers Wiki - MicroFormats
in Public bookmarks with developer microformats website wiki by 2 users
- Down for everyone or just me?
Tests if a site is down for everyone or just you
in Public bookmarks with check online server tester tools website by 21 users
- Ecologic Games. Blogfoot and
Bigfoot is an interactive program in the EcoLogic exhibition and playable on this site. It estimates the size of your ecological footprint from your answers to 15 questions. Bigfoot is the first ecological footprint calculator to use Australian data and terminology. Ecotown is an interactive program in the EcoLogic exhibition and playable on this site. It demonstrates the use of sustainability indicators at a community level. A sustainable indicator provides information on how far a community is from its goal of sustainable development. Discussion is needed over what the community really values. Bigfoot is an interactive program in the EcoLogic exhibition and playable on this site. It estimates the size of your ecological footprint from your answers to 1
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- ecycler - Collect. Connect. Recycle.
only for the US
in Public bookmarks with ecology idea recycling website
- Etsy | Shop by Mosaics Gallery
The mosaic above is composed of 2,500 item images from Etsy (requires Flash 7 player).
in Public bookmarks with flash fun image website
- Fake Google Logos, Fun Google Logos, Google Logo Images, Google .com Logos, Google Logo Pictures by Google Fans. Goolge, Gog...
Google Logo Pictures, Google Logo Art by Google and Third Parties. Google logo image collection, fake and original Google logos with Google logo award. Send us your own or any other Google logo, we feature is here and award the best.
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in Public bookmarks with gallery google logo website by 2 users
- Firefox Addons :: Mozilla Addons
Add Features to Mozilla Software
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- FlickrLicio.us - Babes of Flickr
FlickrLicio.us - Babes of Flickr
in Public bookmarks with funny web2.0 website
- FlickrLicio.us - Babes of Flickr
in Public bookmarks with article funny web2.0 website by 3 users
- Flooha - You don't have to be a programmer to have a kick-ass website.
Flooha gives you the ability to create customized websites by choosing “add-ons” (plugins, themes, modules, etc…) in the same manner that you normally shop for products online.
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- Free video tutorials from video-tutes.com
The free tutorial video's cover a wide range of industry standard software such as Photoshop cs2 & 3, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash 8 and Flash 8 video, Adobe Premiere pro and more, 22 titles in fact! All presented in a free video tutorial format.
Video-tutes offers a large a growing range of free video tutorials on the most popular software titles.Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks video tutorials from basics like tools and menus through to advanced page layout and slicing. Learn how to take a design from an idea right through to a live web site, no manuals, no reading just follow along with our video tutorials.
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in Public bookmarks with flash photoshop tutorial video website by 8 users
- Freebase - A wealth of free data
The Freebase community is creating the definitive open database of people, places, and things. # How is Freebase different from Wikipedia? From Google Base? Wikipedia and Freebase both appeal to people who love to use and organize information, but the difference lies in the type of information covered, and the way it's organized. Wikipedia arranges...
in Public bookmarks with encyclopedia reference search website by 18 users
- gabbr.com
he first application example for the launch phase involves the blogosphere. Instead of having multiple blogs across multiple sites, gabbr allows bloggers from all types of blogs to submit their thoughts for discussion in a centralized location. The blog entries are also mirrored on the original blog authors website. This cross promotion leads to an increase in the readership of all participating weblogs. Gabbr users will be able to use additional free services to promote other services they provide in future phases. The aim is to break down traditional online media barriers while creating constructive online communities.
Gabbr allows you to view and comment on the news in a large social news community as well as promote content for web publishers, authors and bloggers.
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in webapps > news with blog blogosphere diggstyle online rate service share social software tag tools web web-based webapps website by 2 users
- Gallery of Unicode Fonts
in Public bookmarks with font reference test unicode website
- Gizmoojo! It pays to be a geek!
- The science of the relationships between geeks, gizmos, gadgets, hardware and the community!. http://www.gizmoojo.com
in Public bookmarks with community gadgets website
- Google AdSense
Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your visitors are looking for on your site — or matched to the characteristics and interests of the visitors your content attracts — you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages.
in webapps with ads google money online service tools webapps website by 45 users
- Google Analytics
in tools > seo with analysis blog google online replace service statistics stats tools web-based website by 2 users
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