- Plot IP visual traceout
in Public bookmarks with ip maps net tool visual
- previewseek
Previewseek Group Homepage
artificial asia engine intelligence search services software
in Public bookmarks with advanced bookmark bookmarking engine inpage online search service social visual by 3 users (all private)
- Quintura for Kids
in Public bookmarks with kids searchengine semantic visual
- RedZ Revolution Search
RedZee is a visual search engine that shows search results in a visual fashion, displaying a carousel you can navigate back and forth right inside your browser window. No media content can be searched via RedZee.
in Public bookmarks with searchengine visual
- Renommee Agent - schnell, einfach und rechtssicher Musik lizenzieren (-)
a visual agent for discovering and licensing audio files for media productions etc. (via momb)
Renommee Agent - schnell, einfach und rechtssicher Musik lizenzieren
in search > media with german license music searchengine visual
- RobotReplay - The Next Generation of Web Analytics
RobotReplay lets you record and watch your website visitors in action. View recorded sessions of every mouse movement, click and keystroke
in Public bookmarks with blogging service statistics stats tracker traffic video visual web2.0 webapps website by 8 users
- Rockwell Schrock's Boolean Machine
The Boolean Machine is a tool for visualizing the effects of Boolean operators on keyword searches. It was created to teach the importance of Boolean operators in effective search strategies.
in Public bookmarks with boolean elearning explication visual web
- search-cube - the Visual Search Engine
Search-cube is a search engine that instead displaying your results in a classic organic style, creates a 3D cube made up of visual previews. Web-based and very easy to use, Search-cube allows you to search for sites, images, and videos.
in Public bookmarks with searchengine visual by 2 users
- Shahi - A visual dictionary | Blachan Lab
Very nice :)
in Public bookmarks with cool dictionary flickr reference visual visualization
- Snap
in search > visual search with search snap visual by 46 users
- solaas.com.ar | projects
Dreamlines is a non-linear, interactive visual experience. The user enters one or more words that define the subject of a dream he would like to dream. The system looks in the Web for images related to those words, and takes them as input to generate an ambiguous painting, in perpetual change, where elements fuse into one another, in a process analogous to memory and free association.
in fun > interactifs with flash fun interactifs projects visual
- soundtoys.net -
Soundtoys may take the form of art, games, generative music, interactive environments, shockwave movies, etc. They could be described as "new audio visual experiences", or multimedia experiments which explore the parameters of our new media world.They might be described as the fusion of audio and visual output through new technologies made available for the internet. But because this site intends to encourage the expansion of the possibilities of this new media, hard and exclusive definitions should be avoided, and each contributing artist to the exhibition is invited to provide their own views to help develop the dialectic.
Soundtoys.net is the internets leading space for the exhibition of exciting new works by of audio visual artists. The site contains areas for artist interviews, links to resources, and texts around interactive arts, audio visual synthesis, generative art.
agems art artworks audio exhibitions festivals generative interactive net open software soundtoys source visual wireless
in fun with api framework mapping music visual
- Starlight - Information Visualization Technologies
in Public bookmarks with software visual visualization by 2 users
- Superfish
Superfish enables your clients to search by sight. Our technology can take an image as a search query and present relevant results based on the actual content of that image. Any image. Any category. In real time. Our goal is to create a visually relevant Internet by connecting content through visual similarity.
in Public bookmarks with image searchengine tools visual webdev by 2 users
- t.y.p.o.r.g.a.n.i.s.m : Visual Composer
Online Flash visual music player
in Public bookmarks with composition cool flash intrument music online tools visual by 4 users
- Tag Galaxy
in Public bookmarks with 3d flickr folksonomy idea mashup search tagcloud tags visual web2.0 by 5 users
- The eyeballing game
Test your eyeballing capacity
in Public bookmarks with eyes game geometry perception test visual by 3 users
- The Gapminder World 2006, beta
Vizualizing world developement(Flash)
in Public bookmarks with interactive mapping tools visual world by 5 users
- The UVM ecoinformatics collaboratory: GrOWL
GrOWL is the Ecoinformatics Collaboratory's answer to the need of intuitive knowledge visualization and editing tools. GrOWL is open source, written in Java, and it can be downloaded in the download section of this site.
in Public bookmarks with editor ontology opensource software visual
- Thinking Machine 4: Play the Game
Chess game that shows the machine thinking the possible steps.
in Public bookmarks with game interesting online visual by 10 users
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