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  • HipCal - it's about time
    Online calendar and todo list never forget where you need to be or what you have to do Alerts Alerts be reminded of important events via alerts sent directly to your cell phone or email Groups Group Calendars join a group for your classes at school or create a group for a club, project team, or group of friends Address Book Address Book link up with friends and colleagues so you always have each other's contact information Free It's FREE! take advantage of our hundreds of hours of hard work!
    in webapps > managers with alerts calendar email groups online phone service social software web-based webapps by 10 users
  • Minutes
    online notification alerts
    in Public bookmarks with alerts no_login notification online tools
  • Swamii - The what's new engine
    Swamii is a customizable search engine that gives users updates on any Web-related activity around a given search parameter. Users can set as many as 10 keywords or key searches that they’d like updates on. They can search terms like “Star Wars” or parameters like “Star Wars NOT Star Trek.” Swamii will perform the searches regularly and give results, flushed out by news, blogs, peer to peer sites, web videos and multimedia, television, and job pages. Users can login to see updates on their set searches or have them emailed at a given time interval.
    Swamii is a continuous search engine to help keep you up to date on your interests. Sign up to alerts to be notified by email whenever new stuff is found. Personal search agent.
    agent alerts continuous engine monitoring personal search
    in Public bookmarks with alerts personalized searchengine
  • Swamii - The what's new engine
    Swamii is a customizable search engine that gives users updates on any Web-related activity around a given search parameter. Users can set as many as 10 keywords or key searches that they’d like updates on. They can search terms like “Star Wars”
    Swamii is a continuous search engine to help keep you up to date on your interests. Sign up to alerts to be notified by email whenever new stuff is found. Personal search agent.
    agent alerts continuous engine monitoring personal search
    in Public bookmarks with alerts personalized searchengine

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