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  • Hurricane Michelle
    Hurricane Michelle was one of the strongest hurricanes in 2001. It first developed from a tropical wave that moved across the Atlantic. It formed into a tropical depression, strengthened into a tropical storm, and finally reaching its peak as a Category 4. It made landfall in Cuba with a wind speed of 140 mph and brought torrential rains across Central America, killing 17 people and massive destruction. The damage amounted to $2.33 billion dollars in total, spread over 7 regions.
    in Public bookmarks with hurricane michelle severe video weather
  • Severe Thunderstorm in Miami, Florida May 2007
    On May 6, 2007 an intense thunderstorm with severe electircal activity leading to several lightning strikes hit Miami, Florida about 9pm ET. This is the footage taken of that storm. Notice the loud sounds of the wind and the rain hitting objects, and the extremely frequent flashes of lightning.
    in Public bookmarks with florida miami severe thunderstorms thundestorms weather by 2 users
  • Severe Thunderstorm in Miami, Florida May 2007
    On May 6, 2007 an intense thunderstorm with severe electrical activity leading to several lightning strikes hit Miami, Florida about 9pm ET. This is the footage taken of that storm. Notice the loud sounds of the wind and the rain hitting objects, and the extremely frequent flashes of lightning. The lightning messes up the camera a few times. You can also see the Bank of America tower being struck by lightning, as well as many other tall buildings and construction cranes.
    in Public bookmarks with florida lightning miami severe storm thunderstorm thundestorms by 2 users

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