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  • "Eastern Fury"
    This is a video of the worse tornadoes in the eastern part of the United States, appropriately called "Eastern Fury". The eastern US experience more tornadoes at a greater frequency than any other part of the country. Despite this fact many people still fall to nature's fury every year.
    with eastern fury tornado video
  • Brutal Ice Storm In Tusca
    On December 10, 2007, a brutal ice storm came to Tusca, Oklahoma, covering the entire city in snow. Also, huge trees could not withstand the force and most of them suffered damage, they were either split, broken, or completely fallen.
    with ice storm
  • Famous Video of Pampa, TX Tornado
    This is one of the more famous videos of the Pampa, TX tornado that happened on June 8, 1995. Unusually, this video was taken not by storm chasers; rather, it was a local sheriff that captured the rampaging monster on video. More unusual, despite there being heavy storms for days in a row preceding the tornado, a few days right before it was a period of absolute peace in terms of weather activities. Observe about 6 minutes into the video, the giant tornado picks up a truck and hurls it across like a toy!
    with pampa texas tornado video
  • Huge Manitoba Tornado
    This F-4 tornado touched down 45km west of Winnipeg, in Elie and near Oakville, Manitoba. In its path it destroyed several homes, but luckily no serious injuries were reported. A tornado is a weather formation composed of a rotating column of air touching both a huge cloud at one end and the earth on the other. It forms a funnel-shape, with the tapered side on the earth. Tornadoes happen more frequently in Northern America including Canada.
    with huge manitoba tornado by 2 users
  • Hurricane Allen
    Hurricane Allen is one of the most powerful hurricanes ever in the Atlantic basin. It reached Category 5 intensity three times, and it is one of the few hurricanes to actually reach this level. It was also one of the only 2 hurricanes to reach 190 mph sustained winds (the other is Hurricane Camille). Allen killed about 261 people and caused an overwhelming $6.5 billion in damages.
    with allen hurricane
  • Hurricane Michelle
    Hurricane Michelle was one of the strongest hurricanes in 2001. It first developed from a tropical wave that moved across the Atlantic. It formed into a tropical depression, strengthened into a tropical storm, and finally reaching its peak as a Category 4. It made landfall in Cuba with a wind speed of 140 mph and brought torrential rains across Central America, killing 17 people and massive destruction. The damage amounted to $2.33 billion dollars in total, spread over 7 regions.
    with hurricane michelle severe video weather
  • Math And Casino Games
    The casino plays, while the territory of the casino gambler, can also become one of the mathematician’s favorite hangout. While many may find it pretty odd, mathematics and the world of casino gaming is actually closely intertwined.
    with casino games online
  • Perfectly-Shaped Tornado June 12, 2004
    The tornado featured in this video is by far one of the most perfectly-shaped ever. This tornado was found near Mulvane, Kansas, on June 12, 2004. White tornadoes occur less often, and even rarer do tornadoes have such a beautiful, perfect shape yet be still as destructive as most. It damaged a business and a home, but luckily the occupants hid inside a basement so there were no injuries or fatalities. After assessment, this tornado received an F3 rating. The tornado was accompanied by slightly heavy rain, a thunderstorm, and some hail. Its beauty was accented at then end when a rainbow appeared as soon as the tornado dissipated.
    with kansas tornado tornado.mulvane video
  • Rare Video of Great Bend, Kansas Tornado
    This is one of the very few videos of the tornado that landed on Great Bend in Kansas on August 30, 1974. This is almost the exact opposite of the tornado from Mulvane: the former had a perfect shape, was white, and caused some destruction. This one is black and looks like a spinning blob, and hardly damaged anything. It received an F1 rating; however, this is because it stayed mostly on the plains and hardly damaged anything. Had it crossed a town it looks like it could have been at least an F3. The black color is largely due to the fresh mud and silt that it sucked up while travelling across the plains.
    with kansas tornado video
  • Severe Thunderstorm in Miami, Florida May 2007
    On May 6, 2007 an intense thunderstorm with severe electircal activity leading to several lightning strikes hit Miami, Florida about 9pm ET. This is the footage taken of that storm. Notice the loud sounds of the wind and the rain hitting objects, and the extremely frequent flashes of lightning.
    with florida miami severe thunderstorms thundestorms weather by 2 users
  • Severe Thunderstorm in Miami, Florida May 2007
    On May 6, 2007 an intense thunderstorm with severe electrical activity leading to several lightning strikes hit Miami, Florida about 9pm ET. This is the footage taken of that storm. Notice the loud sounds of the wind and the rain hitting objects, and the extremely frequent flashes of lightning. The lightning messes up the camera a few times. You can also see the Bank of America tower being struck by lightning, as well as many other tall buildings and construction cranes.
    with florida lightning miami severe storm thunderstorm thundestorms by 2 users
  • Stormchasers: In the Middle of a Hurricane
    It gives a bit of an insight on what goes on in the minds of people who go after storms, and why they enjoy doing it. It also features some great hurricane shots, mainly featuring Tropical Storm Barry in Florida. The height of Barry's strength was 80 mph gusts, and its winds were only at 65 mph but it's more than enough to make anyone feel unsafe--just look at how it rocked that minivan! This kind of thrill however is what motivates storm chasers and gives them their rush.
    with hurricane storm stormchaser video weather
  • The Way To Combat Hangovers
    There is an entire culture containing numerous tips for those that encountered a harmful hangover but no one proved which of those methods are efficient and which of them are not. For all those persons wanting to get rid of hangovers and its side effects, some scientists came up with a 100% natural anti hangover formula.
    with cure hangover how prevention relief remedy to
  • Tornado Hits a House!
    Another extreme close-up of a tornado. These people were extremely lucky they didn't get sucked in by the tornado or didn't get hit by debris, because they were simply too close to be safe! This isn't exactly a wise thing to do, and all the screaming wouldn't really help. But at least they got really close; unfortunately the camera was too shaky that they didn't get a nice shot.
    with tornado video
  • Attica, Kansas tornado
    On May 12, 2004, a series of funnel clouds passed through the outskirts of Attica, Kansas. Moments later, the clouds merged to form a massive tornado about 1,800 feet wide. As it sweeps through the country and crosses the highway it stops at a nearby town. There, it destroyed a small farmhouse. Completely tearing it apart, piece by piece in a matter of seconds, the tornado brings the debris high up in the sky in an upward spiral. Fortunately, the inhabitants of the house were able to seek refuge in a storm shelter before the tornado swallowed up their home, and no other buildings were destroyed. It's a good thing the monster tornado found its way into a relatively deserted area.
    with attica kansas tornado video
  • Greensburg Tornado Aftermath
    This footage is of Greensburg, Kansas, right after the extremely violent tornado passed by it. The weather is still bad but the tornado has gone. Along with most of the town. It's extremely dark in the video but you can easily make out remnants of houses, trees, and other things that the tornado destroyed. The people who taped this footage did an excellent job of documenting the damage, which could perhaps motivate everyone to help each other and do everything they can to fight off bad weather.
    with system:unfiled
  • Midwest Ice Storm
    Destruction and bad accidents are usually the things associated with ice storms. But sometimes, the weather can be a real artist. This was the aftermath of an ice storm in the Midwest on December 10, 2007. You'll notice that every single thing in the video is frosted with ice. Even the sky itself seems to be of a similar color to the snow-covered earth. You can imagine how many power lines the storm has destroyed, or how many cars slid on the ice covering the road. But look at the trees...they look so beautiful and fragile covered in ice, like they were made of glass. Observe especially the tree without leaves near the end of the video. It's almost like a glass sculpture. Simply breathtaking.
    with ice midwest storm

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