- A List Apart: Articles: Flash Satay: Embedding Flash While Supporting Standards
Embedding Flash while supporting web standards.
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- Add to Any - By MicroPat
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- deconcept › SWFObject: Javascript Flash Player detection and embed script
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- Feed43 (Feed For Free) : Convert any web page to news feed on the fly
in Public bookmarks with feedflash imported rss by 14 users
- FeedFlash, a flash feed reader, put feeds and news everywhere on the Web...
FeedFlash widget, a Flash RSS reader to put feeds and news everywhere on the Web ...
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in Public bookmarks with feed feedflash flash imported rss widget by 3 users
- Feedity - RSS Web Feed Generator for Web Pages without Syndication
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- Flash Satay : Afficher du flash tout en respectant les standards - Antoine
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- Free polls for your blogs, websites, MySpace, Bebo and Facebook accounts with PollDaddy.com
in Public bookmarks with feedflash imported poll by 29 users
- Go2Web20.net - The complete Web 2.0 directory
Find all Online tools and applications on one page, get a short description, compare, read reviews, see what people are saying about each one on the web, see screencasts and more...
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- Grazr, you know for feeds...
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- LinkedInABox: Unleash Your LinkedIn Profile
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- Mashable! - The Social Networking Blog
Social Media news blog covering cool new websites and social networks: Facebook, Google, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube. The latest web technology news, via RSS daily.
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in Public bookmarks with feedflash imported widgets by 84 users
- Mashable! France
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- Page2RSS - Create an RSS feed for any web page
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- Pictolinks
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- SpringWidgets : Home
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- Widgetbox › Directory of web widgets for WordPress, TypePad, MySpace and other blogs and web pages
Mobile web apps, web widgets and rich media powered by the Flite Engagement Platform.
in Public bookmarks with blogs feedflash imported widgets by 65 users
- Widgetoko - A Widget Blog | Your daily dose of widget-y goodness
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