- KidsClick! Web Search by Dewey #
with kids library tech
- Knowplay Reference Search
Simple and fast access to dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, world atlas, rhyming dictionary, etc.
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with reference search by 2 users
- LibrarySpot
encyclopedias, maps, libraries and more.
Find the best library and reference resources at LibrarySpot.com, including top dictionaries, encyclopedias, newspapers, maps, quotations and much more.
with reference by 36 users
- LLRX -- How To Evaluate A Web Site
How To Evaluate A Web Site By LaJean Humphries
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with article tech
- LOC Virtual Reference Shelf
Ask a librarian: An online reference service from the Library of Congress that allows researchers to submit reference questions to Library of Congress reading rooms and receive expert research assistance (within 5 business days.)
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with library reference by 10 users
- Military research library
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- newsmap
with news by 9 users
- Open Culture
Open Culture explores cultural and educational media (podcasts, videos, online courses, etc.) that’s freely available on the web, and that makes learning dynamic, productive, and fun. We sift through all the media, highlight the good and jettison the bad, and centralize it in one place. Trust us, you’ll find engaging content here that will keep you learning and sharp. And you will find it much more efficiently than if you spend your time searching with Google, Yahoo or iTunes.
with downloads education by 18 users
- Perseus Digital Library
evolving digital library of resources for the study of the humanities Collaborators initially formed the project to construct a large, heterogeneous collection of materials, textual and visual, on the Archaic and Classical Greek world. The project has expanded into other areas of the humanities adding tools for more languages, a variety of collections, and new types of materials. The classical foundation has paved the way for literary and historical collections ranging from the English Renaissance to the American Civil War, and Greek tools became a foundation for the development of resources in Latin, Italian, and Arabic. Recent expansions include ancient science, Roman materials, Greek lexicography, an on-line edition of the works of Christopher Marlowe,
with history language literature reference by 18 users
- PhotoGraphic Libraries. Education resource.
Photographic libraries directory offers access to photographic - video collections,film archives and digital photo library archives,media fashion images and historical photo archive collections
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with education images photos by 2 users
- PinkMonkey.com Digital Library - Main Page
PinkMonkey.com-The World's largest source of Free Booknotes/Literature summaries. Hundreds of titles online for FREE 24 hours a day.
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with kids reference by 2 users
- purple hell riddle tools - index
* Alphabets and Language * Arts and Literature * Codes and Ciphers * Conversion Tools * Image Manipulation * Geography and Locations * Mathematics and Numbers * Miscellaneous * Music and Sound * People * Religion and Mythology * Science and Technology * Signs and Logos * World Information * Zodiacs and Anniversaries
Purple Hell Riddle Tools and Resources. Your one-stop-shop for all riddle tools and resources
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with convert language math science tools
- QuestionPoint Collaborative Reference Service
QuestionPoint collaborative virtual reference service home page
with help by 3 users
- Refdesk.com
Best Source for Facts on the Net
with reference by 3 users
- Research-It!
Your one-stop reference desk - dictionaries, maps, phone numbers, currency converters, package tracking, more
with convert reference by 8 users
- resourceshelf
with reference by 18 users
- SafeManuals
Find your user guide, user guide, instruction manual or owner manual instantly !
with gadgets household reference by 11 users
- Scholarpedia
Scholarpedia, the free peer reviewed encyclopedia written by scholars from all around the world.
with reference by 3 users
- Special Issues
Gary Price's List of Lists
with lists reference by 6 users
- Start Squad
State Library of NC Kids Portal
with kids reference
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