- Amazanian
Better Amazon interface than Amazon
in Tools > Shopping with shopping tools
- Gmail
in Tools > Email with email hotpicks tools by 14 users
- LibraryThing
Catalog your books online: Enter what you're reading or your whole library — it's an easy, library-quality catalog. LibraryThing also connects you with people who read the same things.
in Books with books hotpicks social tools by 2 users
- Unhear it
get that damn song out of your head!
in Entertainment > Music with music tools by 2 users
- :: Meuzer
* Search and stream music * Playlist, rate, and comment on songs * Show you what your friends are listening to through the music feed * Tag songs for your friends just like you tag photos
in Entertainment > Music with music tools by 2 users
- ::Review Gist::
We read the reviews, so you don't have to. We give you the ReviewGist - the big picture with the small details: everything that's good and everything that's bad, we tell you which notebook has the stunning looks and the one which is a battery hog. We give you crisp aggregated information from different reviews - digested by our computers and served for you to sample.
in Tools > Shopping with reviews search shopping tools by 2 users
- 10 Minute Mail
Welcome to 10 Minute Mail By clicking on the link below, you will be given a temporary e-mail address. Any e-mails sent to that address will show up automatically on the web page. You can read them, click on links, and even reply to them. The e-mail address will expire after 10 minutes. Why would you use this? Maybe you want to sign up for a site which requires that you provide an e-mail address to send a validation e-mail to. And maybe you don't want to give up your real e-mail address and end up on a bunch of spam lists. This is nice and disposable. And it's free. Enjoy!
Temporary e-mail or mail service. Free secure e-mail addresses.
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in Tools > Privacy/ Anti-spam with email privacy tools by 29 users
- 2RSS.com
feeds, directory, software, scripts, articles, syndication, news ...
2RSS.com :: RSS feeds, RSS directory, RSS software, RSS scripts, RSS articles, RSS syndication, XML, RDF, news
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in Tools > RSS with directory rss tools by 6 users
- Adobe® BrowserLab
generates screenshots for a web page in the most common browsers used in Windows and Macs
in Tech > Web design with design tech tools by 6 users
- Alexa
site and content based Related Information
Alexa provides information about websites including Top Sites,Internet Traffic Stats and Metrics, Related Links, Online Reviews Contact Informationand Search Analytics for SEM and SEO optimization. The Alexa Toolbar is a browser add-onthat shows data about sites as you surf the web
in Tools > Sites with tech tools by 97 users
- Altavista Babelfish
Online translator
Yahoo! Babel Fish provides free online text and web page language translation tools!
automatic language machine translation translator
in Tools > Translate with language tools by 177 users
- Amazon RSS Feed Generator
in Tools > RSS with rss tools
- Armchair Travel
Virtual Travel and QuickTime VR tours
Armchair Travel and Virtual Travel® allow you to visit the world through 360 panoramas, movies, music, games and more.
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in Travel with tools travel
- Asterisk Key
shows passwords hidden under asterisks.
Passware: Asterisk Key - shows passwords hidden under asterisks. Download for free.
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in Tech > Software with software tools
- AuctionSniper.com
Automatically Snipe and Win eBay Auctions. Bid at the last second automatically.
Auction Sniper is a free ebay sniper that automates the process of placing your bid at the auction closing. Place eBay auction bidding snipe automatically.
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in Tools > Shopping with auctions tools by 7 users
- Audio, Stereo Equipment Reviews and Classifieds
Consumer reviews on home audio and home theater equipment.
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in Shopping > .Information with reviews tools by 12 users
- Aviary Phoenix image editor
online image editor - best in lifehacker hive five
in Tools > Images with best images tools by 3 users
- Backpack
Backpack is a personal and small business information management, intranet, and to do list organizer.
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in Tools > PIM with organizing tools by 38 users
- BareSite.com
mobile browsing made easy - Baresite is a simple web-based application which strips images and formatting from a web site to display just the bare bones. If there is a news feed available on the site Baresite defaults to that, otherwise it strips down the HTML to a simpler form.
in Tools > Sites with tools by 2 users
- Base64 Online
base64 decode and encode
base64 decrypt decrypter decryption encrypt encryption
in Tools > Images with images tools by 8 users
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