- Livable Streets!
"We are re-envisioning our cities, reversing decades of automobile-dominated planning and policy to create healthier, more sustainable urban environments, better prepared to meet the challenges of the new century. We are the Livable Streets Network."
in resources & organizations with community designexample outreach
- World Bicycle Relief
in resources & organizations with best-of-2008 bicycles bikes designexample by 2 users
save found imagery. suggests similar aesthetics.
in blogs & periodicals with aesthetics designexample stock by 25 users
- 38one Denis Radenkovic's Portfolio
in design examples with designexample
- 59 smartest .orgs online
according to net squared, squidoo, and get active
Our planet earth faces a lot of challenges. Poverty, pollution, climate change, to name just a few. Small lifestyle changes can have big impacts. Here are a
life news world
in design examples with designexample by 2 users
- ASPCA on myspace
example of non-profit's use of myspace
in design examples with designexample nonprofit
- Barack Obama
BarackObama.com is the official re-election campaign website of President Barack Obama. Visit the site for the latest updates from the Obama campaign, including news, videos, and information on how to volunteer and donate to the campaign.
in design examples with designexample
- Before & After, the magazine for graphic design
mostly pay-for-content
in blogs & periodicals with designexample
- bottom aligned
example css technique
in design examples with align bottom css designexample
- CampusProgress.org
textpattern site. effort to strengthen progressive voices on college and university campuses nationwide.
Campus Progress works to help young people - advocates, activists, journalists, artists, and others - to make their voices heard on issues that matter.
in design examples with designexample textpattern
- Case Studies
NetSquared case studies of tech use by nonprofits
in resources & organizations with designexample nonprofit
- CBC Radio 3
Music and Modern Media
in art and music with designexample media modern music
- Control Arms
campaign for tougher controls on the arms trade
Control Arms is a global civil society alliance campaigning for a bulletproof Arms Trade Treaty.
in resources & organizations with designexample guns violence
- Current TV
"The TV Network Created By The People Who Watch It"
in art and music with advertise cast designexample pod tv video
- Design Meltdown
site examples by style. from giant type to dog ears to distressed to tiny.
Design elements, trends, and problems in web design.
css design elements graphic meltdown problems resources solutions trends
in design examples with designexample by 17 users
- design snips
snippets of good design
in blogs & periodicals with designexample by 6 users
- Erratic Wisdom
textpattern designer and developer. very skilled. lists plugins used.
Erratic Wisdom is a student's philosophy journal. Includes active discussions on metaphysics, epistemology, aesthetics and a forum.
blog erratic journal philosophy wisdom
in design & dev apps & util with designexample plugins textpattern
- Idealist.org
Idealist (aka Action Without Borders) connects people, organizations, and resources to help build a world where all people can live free and dignified lives.
in resources & organizations with designexample nonprofit resource by 26 users
- IRC | International Rescue Committee
Aiding refugees and communities victimized by war
in resources & organizations with designexample refugee
- JeffCroft.com
design and dev blog
in blogs & periodicals with designexample by 2 users
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