- CSS Float Theory
Things You Should Know | Smashing Magazine
The concept of floats is probably one of the most unintuitive concepts in CSS. Floats are often misunderstood and blamed for floating all the context around it, causing readability and usability problems. However, the reason for these problems isn't the theory itself, but the way the theory is interpreted - by developers and browsers. Still, if you take a closer look at the float
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By NemSys in WebEngineering > CSS with css magazine smashing things webengineering by 5 users
- XHTML 1.0
The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)
By NemSys in WebEngineering > XHTML with edition extensible hypertext language markup webengineering xhtml by 7 users
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HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 Reference
By NemSys in WebEngineering > XHTML with 1.0 4.01 reference webengineering xhtml by 15 users
- TopXML
XHTML reference, XHTML Tutorial
TopXML offers XHTML articles, training, editors, tutorials and plenty of information on XHTML
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By NemSys in WebEngineering > XHTML with reference tutorial webengineering xhtml by 2 users
- Particletree
Particletree is the beginning of something. This place, this collection of knowledge, is a gathering of forces, a sharpening of skills.
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By NemSys in WebEngineering with particletree webengineering by 9 users
- Em Calculator
By NemSys in WebEngineering > CSS with calculator css webengineering by 10 users
- HTML Character Codes (TnTLuoma.com)
If you are seeing this in your sidebar and don't know why: 1. Don't freak out (although you may want to open this in a new page to make reading easier. 2.
By NemSys in WebEngineering with character codes html webengineering by 4 users
- PerfectXML.com - MSXML Tools :: XML-Tidy
By NemSys in WebEngineering > XML with msxml tools webengineering xml xml-tidy
- JavaScript
Table of Contents
By NemSys in WebEngineering > JavaScript with javascript table webengineering by 7 users
- Free CSS Vertical Menu Designs at exploding-boy.com
By NemSys in WebEngineering > WebDesign with css designs free menu vertical webdesign webengineering by 4 users
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