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Word puzzles, scrambled pictures, crazy quizzes, and even a board game. But you'll never be bored on this page!
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- Cyberchase . Games . Tangrams | PBS Kids
Automated tangram animation game for kids. Good for spatial thinking and tactile learners.
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with activities games iwb puzzles tangrams
- Get 2 Know H2O Learning Zone: Games, Experiments, Activities and Contests, All About Conservation
Learning Zone: Games, Experiments and Activities About Water This site is all about water. Even though you use water many times every day, you might be surprised at some of the cool things you don't even know about it. Play word searches, memory games, puzzles and quizzes. Create and print your own coloring pages. Enter a poster contest and win a prize. Find science experiments you can do at home or school. Get 2 Know H2O: Learn About Conserving Water Hi, my name is Conservation Ken. I want to teach you about water and energy conservation. Using energy and water wisely means being efficient. By saving energy you're helping to save the world's energy resources. By using energy and water wisely, we can cut down on pollutants in
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with activities experiments fun games memory puzzles water_cycle
- Metric puzzles and quizzes
Metric puzzles and quizzes for secondary science. Good differentiation of learning pieces. Assign one or more, giving choice that doesn't allow just an easy out. From the US Metric Association
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- Educational Videos for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English
Kids learn best by 'seeing' the real world. So here's the best collection of FREE online educational videos, lessons, quizzes, games, and puzzles. For middle school and high school; lots of science videos & games. Teachers review movies from youtube and others and puts best on neo1k12
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- MacHeist » Welcome
The MacHeist bundle was introduced in December 2006 to huge success within the Macintosh community. The software bundle offered 10 of the Mac indie development community's best offerings, and was available at the end of the MacHeist promotion for one week.
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with community game mac puzzles software by 4 users
- Internet Anagram Server
Discover the magic of anagrams with the Internet Anagram Server
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- Mathematical Interactives
Games, Puzzles, Multimedia Resources
By kashzee in Math - Mathematics with games math mathematics puzzles by 2 users
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