- Nootropics: “Smart Drugs” for Training and Recovery | Optimal Performance
Nootropics are low toxicity ‘smart drugs’ that boost brain activity and memory without having deleterious effects on the nervous system. Nootropics are substances that increase the effectiveness of the brain ...whether by healing the brain of whatever may be causing problems....or by augmenting or making the brain more effective. They can improve learning and memory both short and long term.
By Eddie in Brain with activity boost brain drugs low nootropics smart toxicity
- Erowid Psychoactive Vaults
Information about psychoactive drugs (plants, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, herbs and nootropics) including recreational, traditional, spiritual, and responsible use, dosage, chemistry, effects, experiences, images, research, legislation, media coverage, bibliographies and lots of links.
Information about psychoactive drugs (plants, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, herbs and nootropics) including recreational, traditional, spiritual, and responsible use, dosage, chemistry, effects, experiences, images, research, legislation, media coverage, bibliographies and lots of links.
dope drugs entheogens hallucinogenic hallucinogens illegal medicine plant psychedelics psychoactive recreational sacraments su
By exmortum in Public bookmarks with chemicals drugs herbs information nootropics pharmaceuticals plants psychoactive by 3 users
- Bulk Nutrition - 1Fast400 Oxiracetam Powder at discount prices! (Bulk Nootropics)
By residual4life in Nootropics + cognitive/awareness/mental health supplements > Online Vendors/Informative Sites with cognitive health informative mental nootropics online supplements vendors by 2 users
- MODALERT (Modafinil,Provigil)
By residual4life in Nootropics + cognitive/awareness/mental health supplements > Other > Modalert (Modafinil, provigil) with cognitive health mental modafinil modalert nootropics provigil supplements
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