- Creating Custom Write Panels in WordPress
adding forms for custom fields to the admin interface
By theCoup in design & dev apps & util > wordpress with functions readnext wordpress wp by 3 users
- Kidney Anatomy
The kidney anatomy is unique and allows it to perform many complex functions. They are dark-red, bean-shaped organs. One side bulges outward and ... The kidney is divided into two main areas...
By Eddie in Kidney Cleanse with anatomy cleanse complex dark-red functions kidney perform unique
- Underscore.js
Underscore is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides a lot of the functional programming support that you would expect in Prototype.js (or Ruby), but without extending any of the built-in JavaScript objects. It's the tie to go along with jQuery's tux. Collections each, map, reduce, detect, select, reject, all, any, include, invoke, pluck, max, min, sortBy, sortedIndex, toArray, size Arrays first, last, compact, flatten, without, uniq, intersect, zip, indexOf, lastIndexOf Functions bind, bindAll, delay, defer, wrap, compose Objects keys, values, extend, clone, isEqual, isElement, isArray, isFunction, isUndefined Utility noConflict, identity, uniqueId, template
By ycc2106 in Public bookmarks with basic functions javascript lib webdev
- del.icio.us A-to-Z by Functions : All 150+ hacks categorized : eConsultant
del.icio.us A-to-Z : All 150+ hacks categorized by functions : eConsultant
del.icio.us A-to-Z : All 150+ hacks categorized by functions : eConsultant
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By irishdancer0215 in Public bookmarks with 150 a-to-z categorized del.icio.us econsultant functions hacks by 20 users
- ActionScript Easing Functions >> PiXELWiT
várias formas de animar em actionscript usando EASING in,out,in-out,out-in
By Karzin in Public bookmarks with ease easing functions
- Understanding the Eight Jungian Cognitive Processes
Eight Functions Attitudes
By Datamaiden in SELF-HELP > Typology > TESTS with attitudes eight functions self-help tests typology by 2 users
- RhymeZone rhyming dictionary and thesaurus
A language arts reference tool and comprehensive search engine for words. Includes the functions of a rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, and spelling checker, as well as an integrated full-text search engine for all of Shakespeare's works and thousands of quotations and poems.
A language arts reference tool and comprehensive search engine for words. Includes the functions of a rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, and spelling checker, as well as an integrated full-text search engine for all of Shakespeare's works and thousands of quotations and poems.
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By Ripply in Public bookmarks with arts engine functions language reference search tool words by 2 users
- RhymeZone rhyming dictionary and thesaurus
A language arts reference tool and comprehensive search engine for words. Includes the functions of a rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, and spelling checker, as well as an integrated full-text search engine for all of Shakespeare s works and thousands of quotations and poems.
A language arts reference tool and comprehensive search engine for words. Includes the functions of a rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, and spelling checker, as well as an integrated full-text search engine for all of Shakespeare's works and thousands of quotations and poems.
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By Elphineas in Bookmarks Toolbar Folder > Most Used with arts engine functions language reference search tool words by 36 users
- PHP: Multibyte String Functions - Manual
By abhishek_twr in Bookmarks Toolbar Folder > CGI with cgi functions manual multibyte php string
- MySQL AB :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual
12.7 Full-Text Search Functions
By abhishek_twr in Bookmarks Toolbar Folder > PERL with 12.7 full-text functions perl search
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