- Bank of Albania
Bank of Albania is the central bank of the Republic of Albania
By smil in Countries > Europe & Central Asia > Albania with albania economy financialsector monetarypolicy reports statistics
- Theoretical and Applied Economics
Theoretical and Applied Economics / Economie teoretica si aplicata is a bilingual (Romanian and English) publication edited by the General Association of the Economists in Romania (AGER)
By smil in Countries > Europe & Central Asia > Romania with economy financialmarkets financialsector journal reports romania
- Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM)
Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) is a Macedonian think tank
By smil in Countries > Europe & Central Asia > Macedonia with economy financialsector macedonia reports
- Institute of Development Studies
IDS series publications. The Institute of Development Studies is an organisation for research, teaching and communications on international development.
By smil in Economic Research > Growth & Development with agriculture development financialsector politics poverty reports trade worldwide
- worldinformation.com
WORLDINFORMATION.COM provides country related information on key business sectors in the world’s major markets. The business sectors covered include finance, international investment, property and energy. It also provides information on every country in the world, from the Head of State to exports to natural resources to election results and airport departure taxes. As international trade develops, WORLDINFORMATION.COM provides a convenient reference source on major trends and developments worldwide
By smil in Countries with africa asia database election europe financialsector latinamerica links maps sectors statistics worldwide
- Credit Europe Bank - Research
Quarterly, monthly and weekly reports on the Russian economy, the banking sector and capital markets
By smil in Countries > Europe & Central Asia > Russia with bankseconomicresearch economy financialsector reports russia
- Association Of banks In Lebanon (ABL)
L'Association des Banques du Liban publie des périodiques qui traitent de la situation économique, financière et bancaire au Liban : Treasury Bills Market: bulletin statistique mensuel du marché des bons du Trésor au Liban; Key Indicators: bulletin statistique mensuel des principaux indicateurs économiques au Liban; The Economic Letter: rapport mensuel sur l'économie libanaise, suivi d'une annexe statistique; Le rapport annuel: rapport annuel sur l'économie libanaise, le secteur bancaire au Liban et les activités de l'ABL pour l'année, suivi d'une annexe statistique et d'une annexe sur les réglementations bancaires.
By smil in Countries > Middle East & Africa > Lebanon with economy finance financialsector lebanon statistics
- Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI)
LGI regularly publishes works on issues related to public administration and local government, both from practical and academic aspects: in-depth analyses, country reports, best practices, bibliographies and many more. Most of the works are based on or address problems important for Central and Eastern European countries and republics of the former Soviet Union.
By smil in Countries > Europe & Central Asia with centralandeasterneuropeancountries centralasia decentralization development financialsector governance publicsector region reports
- Oesterreichische Nationalbank
The CEEC Research Platform of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank’s Foreign Research Division offers you selected reports, analyses and studies about economic developments in Central and Eastern Europe
By smil in Countries > Europe & Central Asia with bankseconomicresearch centralandeasterneuropeancountries economy financialsector monetarypolicy reports russia statistics turkey
- Center for International Relations and Development Studies (CIDOB)
Fundación CIDOB in Barcelona : Its subject areas are international policy and security, co-operation and development, intercultural dynamics and migrations. Its priority geographic areas are Latin America, the Mediterranean and Arab world, Europe and Asia. Most of the reports are in Spanish, some are in English or French.
By smil in Politics > International Affairs & Conflicts with africa asia crisis debt development economy europe financialsector internationalaffairs latinamerica migration northafrica politics reports trade
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