AlbInvest Provides information on the investment climate, investment incentives, and the legal framework relating to the investment process in Albania. The Albanian Government has assigned AlbInvest three strategic goals: assisting and accelerating the inflow of foreign investment into the Albanian economy, improving the competitiveness of Albanian exporters, and providing professional services to assist the growth of Albanian SMEs. in Countries > Europe & Central Asia > Albaniawith albaniainvestmentlabourlawreportssectorstax : Southeast European Times The Southeast European Times Web site is a central source of news and information about Southeastern Europe in nine languages: Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, English, Greek, Macedonian, Romanian, Serbian Latin, Serbian Cyrillic and Turkish. Each business day, the site captures the top news from across the region as reported in local and international media. It also features analysis, interviews and commentary by paid Southeast European Times contributors in the region. The Southeast European Times is sponsored by the US European Command, the joint military command responsible for US operations in Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean Basin. EUCOM oversees participation of US troops in NATO's peacekeeping forces in Kosovo (KFOR) and Bosnia and Herzegovina. is a news and information website covering the Balkans featuring current events, business, diplomacy, film, tourism, sports and science. It publishes in Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, English, Greek, Macedonian, Romanian, Serbian and Turkish. balkan-infobalkansbalkantimeseuropenewssetimessoutheast in Countries > Europe & Central Asiawith albaniabalkansbosniabulgariacentralandeasterneuropeancountriescroatiaeconomyforeignpolicygreecemacedoniamontenegronewspoliticsromaniaserbiaterrorismturkey