EUCAM The EU-Central Asia Monitoring (EUCAM) project was launched in October 2008 by two think-tanks: FRIDE & CEPS. In its work EUCAM relies on its network of Central Asian and European experts and sees its main objective in ehancing and facilitating mutual understanding between the EU and Central Asia By smilin Countries > Europe & Central Asiawith centralasiaenergyeuropeforeignpolicynewsletterreportsrss
Rakurs Center for Economic Analysis The RAKURS Center for Economic Analysis is a private non-profit economic research organization that is committed to deepening the understanding of the overall economic development process in Kazakhstan. Independent of any political or other affiliation, RAKURS examines economic and social policy issues on the basis of thorough analytical underpinnings and diversity of opinion By smilin Countries > Europe & Central Asia > Kazakhstanwith economyenergykazakhstanreports
Google Data Center Video Google has released a video showing a data center of theirs. This is one of the computer farms (or you might think of it as one supercomputer or a part of one) where your requests to Google, like its search engine, get crunched. Google says this data center has slots for over 45,000 servers in 45 containers. By fjordaanin Public bookmarkswith centercontainersdataefficiencyenergyfarmgoogleservervideo
NWS JetStream Online School - Sea Water Part of the "Ocean" section of the JetStream weather course from the NWS. Contains:
1. Introduction
2. Layers of the Ocean
3. Sea Water
4. Ocean Circulations
5. Waves
6. Tides
7. The Sea Breeze
8. The Marine Layer
9. Rip Currents
* Introduction
* Where's the RIP?
* Break the Grip!
10. Review Questions By pdboyerin Energywith chemistryenergyoceanographyseawaterweather