Lindsey Davis Official Website Website of British historical novelist, Lindsey Davis, aimed at fans and potential readers or publishers. Includes details of novels, short stories and articles published in the English language, plus a list of translated foreign editions. Other features are biographies of the author and her main character, (ancient Roman detective Marcus Didius Falco), a short album of photographs, a map of where the novels take place, brief sound clips (mainly readings from the novels), news of forthcoming publications, an author page with diary notes, signing events, opinions etc, a postbag with readers queries, a page about film rights and a page about First Edition collectors. Visitors can e-mail the author and webmistress through the Forum feature. Readers... By Petelin AUTHORS-BOOKS-MOVIES > AUTHORSwith aimedauthors-books-moviesbritishdavishistoricallindseynovelistwebsite