- Australian Council for Educational Research
The Australian Council for Educational Research is one of the world's leading educational research centres, committed to creating and distributing research-based knowledge, products and services to improve learning across the lifespan in both formal and informal settings.
By goeasy in Academic > Education with academic education research teaching
- EUI - MWP - Welcome to the Academic Careers Observatory
provides information on academic careers by country, discipline and theme, but also links to research opportunities in Europe, job platforms and a list of funding from post-doc to professorial level
By davidbrake in academic with academic advice career europe information job
- digitalresearchtools / FrontPage
TERRIFIC collection of resources. "This wiki collects information about tools and resources that can help scholars (particularly in the humanities and social sciences) conduct research more efficiently or creatively. Whether you need software to help you manage citations, author a multimedia work, or analyze texts, Digital Research Tools will help you find what you're looking for. We provide a directory of tools organized by research activity, as well as reviews of select tools in which we not only describe the tool's features, but also explore how it might be employed most effectively by researchers."
By grdnldy in Public bookmarks with academic digital k12 research tools
- ticTOCs Journal Tables of Contents Service
By grdnldy in Public bookmarks with academic feeds journals rss tablesofcontents by 3 users
- Berkman Publication Series - Media Re:public
News and Information as Digital Media Come of Age a series of papers exploring the potential and the challenges of the emerging networked digital media environment
By davidbrake in academic with academic journalism political web2 weblog
- Booko
Booko is not an online shop. It goes out to the Internet and looks up book prices for you and figures out the shipping costs. For the Amazons (.com and .co.uk), the prices are converted into Aussie dollars.
By goeasy in Shopping with academic books comparision
- Eventseer.net
"we help you keep track of academic events"
By davidbrake in academic with academic calendar events
- Polity Digital Media and Society book series blog
By davidbrake in academic with academic book
- Infochimps.org
Free Redistributable Data Sets of Every Kind
By davidbrake in academic with academic data database free open privacy by 2 users
- World Economic Forum
Global Information Technology Report 2007-2008
By davidbrake in academic with academic digitaldivide global statistics by 2 users
Results 41 - 50 for academic
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