MynoteIT It keeps your notes online like GDocs, but has more features. You can share your notes so other students on the site can look at them and you can search for their notes to see if they help you. I still find myself shifting between this, grid paper, and MS OneNote, but it might be perfect for some people. By goeasyin Academicwith academicby 9 users
Infoscape Research Lab Investigating the Cultual Impact of Digital Code hosts research projects that focus on the cultural impact of digital code. The lab engages in software and other new media tool development, code mapping, interface design, and new media content analysis. By davidbrakein Public bookmarkswith academiccanadaresearch Certified tutors -- 90% of whom have a masters degree or PhD in a writing related discipline -- provide a suggested grade and individualized comments that identify strengths and areas for improvement in a student's writing. By goeasyin Academicwith academic