3-D CAPTCHA The following is a design for a CAPTCHA that is likely invulnerable to automated decryption. I originally developed this as part of an anti-spam system that was a very early progenitor of Receiver Initiated Authentication. This CAPTCHA should be particularly invaluable given the recent reports that bots now have as high as a 35% successful attack rate against both the Microsoft and Yahoo CAPTCHA. By fjordaanin Public bookmarkswith 3dcaptcha
Information Designer Welcome to the new informationdesigner.org. This site will focus on the creation and development of interactive information design systems, trends and happenings in information graphics, as well as the technology behind creating dynamic systems like Adobe Flash (Actionscript 3.0, Papervision3D), Silverlight, and Processing. By mfogin Public bookmarkswith 2-12-d3dactionscriptinganimationblogflashpapervisionpersonalvideo